Why do men consider polygamous?

Probably, every woman at least once in her life heard the expression - "men are polygamous." Some women have accepted this and believe it, but much more intelligent women laugh at this expression, which men use to justify their betrayals. How many forums are on the Internet, in which women describe their life tragedies associated with the betrayal of her husband . After reading the answers to such reports, you can laugh with all your heart, for there the same deceived women advise you to tolerate and forgive the betrayal of your beloved husband, since they are polygamous, but you can not trample on nature.

This is unfair

Why such injustice, you might think that this is a feminist slogan, but a man who changes is called polygamous, and a woman is much more rude word. Why such a separation, many will say that from nature, but it's ridiculous. All people are the same and significant differences, both externally and internally are not observed. Therefore, this expression, probably said a man who could not come up with another excuse for his treachery.

Nature has tried

Like, look at the animals, the female got her own and brings up the offspring, and the male can go anywhere and do whatever she wants. It turns out that the expression - "this nature" men equate themselves with animals, among whose representatives there are those who have horns and bleat. And even if we start to understand the animal world, then it's necessary for the male to get to the female, and it's not so easy to come, he got his way and left. Especially if in animals of one species the male is polygamous, then the female is the same that in human life it seems strange and ridiculous. Therefore, comparing the behavior of men and animals, not what is not right, but strange.

What else do men justify?

Some representatives of the "strong" sex were not too lazy and found, as if a scientific justification for their polygamousness:

  1. A man thinks about sex every day 206 times. I wonder how it was calculated, some guy, as soon as he thought about sex, put a tick or press a special button? It sounds funny and untrue.
  2. For a man, betrayal does not mean anything, but a woman can not fall in love with another sexual partner-another ridiculous lie that someone has not figured out.
  3. In the male body, the sex hormone is produced constantly, and the woman can go on a decline. Show the person who invented it and let it document its words.
  4. Based on statistics, 52% of couples believe that one treason is normal and a scandal due to this is not necessary. Well, here to say, these are only words, and when it comes to business, in everyone the "owner" joins and normal attitude to change can be forgotten.

What really?

Other statistics give figures that should surprise men, since polygamous women are 30% larger than theirs. The reasons for the appearance of polygamy are as follows:

Therefore, to say that polygamy is inherent only in men is not correct.

It is important not to forget about what can be a reckless and frequent change of partners, because various diseases and infections have not been canceled.

All these expressions are invented by men who betray their wives, but women, unsure of themselves, support them in this. Therefore, when you hear from the man the phrase that they are all polygamous and this is normal, nature "calls", run away from him, as he will change his woman and consider it a normal phenomenon.