Caloric content of fructose

Fructose is a unique carbohydrate , which is found in almost all berries and fruits, as well as in natural honey. Caloric content of fructose is approximately 400 kcal per 100 g of mature product.

When consuming sweet fruits, fructose quickly spreads through our body and immediately penetrates into the cells of tissues. It is not hampered by the hepatic barrier, no additional cleavage is required, which leads to a pooling in fat stores. Despite the fact that fructose has a small amount of calories, the body does not know how to fully use it for useful needs. Therefore, being in a free state, it is an excellent building material for creating harmful fats.

Counting the number of calories in fructose, you need to compare the beneficial and harmful effects on the entire body. Fructose can be safely attributed to sweet, low-calorie foods, but in large quantities it delivers more unnecessary work to the organs and is harmful in diets.

Caloric content of sugar and fructose

Almost at the same calorie content of sugar and fructose - approximately 400 kcal, they differently convey a sweet taste to products. With equal calories, fructose makes the dish almost twice as sweet. But do not be mistaken in the usefulness of its properties.

Previously, it was advised as a sweetener and widely used in diets. However, recent studies have shown that sweetened with fructose food only warms up the appetite. Without being released into energy, it accumulates in cells and constantly attracts new similar elements, so the body wants to use it again.

No matter how many calories in fructose, they do not turn into a useful energy reserve in the form of glycogen . It is hard for an organism to consume fructose calories, and it is easier to build fat stores out of them. Therefore, for weight loss it is better to find more useful products, and use berries and honey in limited quantities.