Cherries - useful properties

The cherry fruit is accepted to be collected in May and June, when they blush and pour juice. Even the ripe cherries have a sour taste, which is explained by the large number of acids present, which have beneficial properties for the human body. Cherry berries are widely used for the prevention of many diseases and for weight loss.

Cherry - useful properties and harm

Cherry in its composition has many vitamins that help the cardiovascular system, immunity. The vitamin C present in it has many facets of useful properties: it participates in the production of blood cells, tightens the walls of blood vessels, improves skin elasticity, improves the body's resistance to pathogenic microbes, and improves kidney and liver function.

Cherry is rich in rare vitamin E, which is necessary for the production of female hormones. If in the body of a woman this vitamin is enough, then she has a healthy smooth skin, hair grows well.

The cherry contains vitamins of group B, which have useful properties for humans. For example, B1 improves the functioning of the nervous system and prevents the depletion of nerve cells, the active substance pyridoxine (B6) is indispensable for the production of serotonin, which gives a good mood.

The cherry berries are rich in mineral elements, which are beneficial for many organs and systems. So iron, contained in cherry fruit, is indispensable for the hematopoietic system. Magnesium and potassium improve the autonomous work of the heart, that is, support the activity of the CA node. There is calcium in the cherry - it is necessary not only for the growth of bones, but also participates in carrying out nerve impulses in the muscle layers. One of the important elements in the berry is iodine - it regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland, and also has antiseptic action.

The immune system needs iodine, calcium, fluoride to build antibodies, that is, specialized cells that fight infection. That is why in winter it is recommended that children and adults drink cherry juice in large quantities.

Despite all the useful properties of cherry berries, one must not forget that it contains an anthocyan - a coloring pigment that is very quickly absorbed into the blood and spreads throughout the body. If a person is prone to allergies, then it can develop a reactive reaction and appear a rash, hyperemia and severe itching.

You can not consume a large number of cherries to people suffering from gastritis with high acidity. Negative substances from cherry juice affect the inflamed intestinal mucosa in colitis.

Cherry for weight loss

Slimming is widely used for all red berries, and cherry is no exception. Cherry fruit contains a lot of acids needed to lose weight. Folic acid from cherry juice promotes better metabolism, proper cell division and helps synthesize nucleic acids.

In the composition of cherry a large amount of vitamin PP, that is, nicotinic acid amide, it activates the metabolism , releases energy from fat stores and helps to reduce weight.

Cherry is a useful product when losing weight also because it contains a large amount of copper, which interferes with the accumulation processes in the body. Copper in conjunction with iron participates in the transfer of oxygen to peripheral cells, with normal "breathing" cells are not predisposed to accumulation of fats, oxidizing, lipids are transformed into energy.

In tea for weight loss, leaves and cherry stems are often used, this drink helps to get rid of excess fluid, to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. The active ingredients in the tea regulate metabolism in the cells.