The Benefits of the Cold

The New Year is just around the corner, which means that every house will have a festive table. In addition to "Olivier", herring "under a fur coat" and champagne, it will be a chill, the benefits of which not everyone knows. After all, it should be used not only on holidays, but it is desirable to include it in the daily diet.

Use of the joint for joints

The chill regenerates the areas of the cartilaginous tissue that have recently worn out, preserving their elasticity. It contains a protein called collagen, which consists of the connective tissue of the human body. Proceeding from this, it can be said that the main treatment for those suffering from arthritis, arthrosis, should include the consumption of several teaspoons of this dish.

Benefit of a cold for the whole organism

Any kind of brew: beef, chicken, pork gives good. The only difference is caloricity .

Thus, aminoacetic acid improves the functioning of the brain, beneficially affecting the processes of memory. In the period of onset of depressive conditions, the cold will be, as never before, by the way.

An important factor, which benefits the cold, is the presence in it of vitamin B. It positively affects the work of the entire nervous system. And retinol not only strengthens the immune system, but also acts as an antioxidant.

Caloric content of a domestic chill

Each hostess prepares this appetizing dish in her own way. The only thing that remains unchanged is the feed, or rather the combination of a cold with various spices, an acute snack. The secret is quite simple: despite the large amount of gelatin, the dish is very caloric, and therefore contains cholesterol . That's why the jellyfish is served with mustard or horseradish, so that their components reduce a considerable load on the liver. Below is a table that shows the caloric content of the chill.