Walnuts for weight loss

A huge number of women love walnuts , but very few people know that they can be used for weight loss.

The healing properties of the walnut

Even in ancient times, various infusions were made from this product, which were used to treat various diseases. Today, doctors say that only 5 nuts per day is an excellent prevention of many diseases, because they contain: vitamins B, A, PP, C, E. To do this you can use different types of walnuts, which are:

Are walnuts useful for losing weight?

Nuts contain unsaturated fats, which are not deposited in the body, but are burned with the release of heat. This product helps reduce appetite , and, therefore, reduce the amount of food eaten. In addition, do not forget that the body needs vitamins and trace elements, especially during weight loss, and as you know in the nuts they contain a lot. Walnuts - a wonderful snack during the day.

Of course, to get rid of extra pounds, it is worth to give up harmful food and play sports.

Dishes from walnuts




Milk bring to a boil, add sugar, flakes and a handful of nuts. Cook for 10 minutes. constantly, stirring.

Carrot salad



Carrot grate on a grater and mix it with a handful of finely chopped nuts, squeeze out the garlic, salt and add sugar.

Mix thoroughly, everything, lettuce is ready.