The highest paid professions

The issue of remuneration for many people remains the main motivation for a job. Unlike the Soviet times, when everyone had approximately the same salaries and opportunities, in modern society material wealth plays an important role. Most young people decide to acquire a family only after reaching a certain financial level. That is why many already from the school bench are beginning to wonder which professions are the most highly paid and in demand. And proceeding from this information, a choice of a university and a specialty is carried out.

Psychologists say that in order to earn big money, not only excellent knowledge is needed. A very important role is played by a person's personality traits, his ability to prioritize and achieve his goal. All these traits can be developed in themselves, starting with the student's years. But, first of all, you still need to get an education that will be needed in the future.

So, who is studying and where to go? To determine the choice, it will be useful to know the ranking of the highest paid professions in the world. According to the Forbes magazine, the highest paid profession in the world recognized the profession of an anesthesiologist. In some countries, the income of this specialist reaches 200 thousand dollars a year. However, this information will be useful only for those who in the future plan to build a career abroad, because in our country the situation is radically different from the global one. The second place in the list of the highest paid professions in the world was also occupied by physicians - gynecologists, dentists and surgeons. Their income in developed countries ranges from 150 to 190 thousand dollars a year. The engineers of the industrial branch with income from 140 to 160 thousand dollars per year closes the top three of the highest paid professions.

What is the highest paid profession in our country?

The first place in the ranking of the highest paid professions of our country is occupied by employees of the banking sector, investment and leasing. The income of many employees of these spheres is more than 10 thousand dollars a month. However, it is extremely difficult to get a job for such work because of ultra-high requirements.

The second place is occupied by employees of the insurance industry. This applies only to specialists with experience in managerial positions. Their income can also reach 10 thousand dollars a month. In order to achieve such earnings, it is necessary to work for several years as an insurance agent, the salary of which is often very low.

The third place is the position of chief accountant. The income of these specialists reaches 6-8 thousand dollars a month in large cities. Such a high payment is associated with a huge responsibility.

The fourth place is occupied by construction specialists occupying executive positions. The project manager earns about 5-6 thousand dollars a month. It is possible to receive such a post only after several years of successful work in lower positions.

The fifth place is occupied by public prosecutors, judges and lawyers. Despite the fact that these professions are the most highly paid, the demand for specialists in this field is rapidly declining year by year. Therefore, specialists of the labor market do not recommend entering the law faculty.

In the list of the 10 most highly paid professions, also, were:

Not always recommended to be guided by the rating of the highest paid and demanded professions. As time goes by and in a few years the situation in the country can change very much. To earn good money, you need to become an indispensable employee. Only such workers can independently regulate the level of their material remuneration.