Thickening of nails on legs

Despite the fact that the nails are keratinized (well, or dead, if you want) particles, they are also prone to disease. Due to the fact that problems with the nails are a rarity, the solutions to their known few. Moreover, many people do not even consider the problem as a problem: well, the nail grew fat or turned yellow - and that from that, that's when it comes to starting or hurting passionately, then you can think about going to the doctor. And to what? Which doctor is engaged in thickened fingernails?

The problem is a thickening of the nail

And this is really a problem that can not be neglected. Among other defects of the nail, the thickening is on the leader list. It is with this problem that fifty percent of the world's population is confronted. It is important to understand that the mutilated nail is not just an unaesthetic education, but a real alarm bell. It's one thing if sudden education was preceded by a trauma or bruise, and quite another - if the thickening of the nails on the legs arose without cause (at first glance).

A normal healthy nail on the leg should be pink in color, without grooves, specks and outgrowths, not more than and not less than a millimeter thick. All changes are nothing more than a manifestation of health problems.

Most often thickening of the nails on the legs may indicate such problems:

Thickening of the nails on the feet often occurs precisely for these reasons. In addition, some people have a genetic predisposition to thickening. But nevertheless, in order to avoid trouble, it is better to confirm this fact by contacting a doctor.

Fungus is a very unpleasant disease, which besides being treated is not so easy, it can also be transmitted from the nail to the nail. Keep in mind that the nail fungus can even hit any other part of the body, so you have to start treating it immediately after detection.

Thickening of the nails on the legs - the main treatment

Naturally, before taking any measures, you need to consult a specialist (dermatologist or mycologist), who can determine the cause of the appearance of thickening, and appoint the most appropriate treatment. Variants of the outcome of events can be several:

  1. If the nail is stiffened due to trauma (for example, the thickening of the nail on the little finger of the foot is often due to the fact that this smallest finger most often falls into alterations), then after a while it will come to order without any interference.
  2. If the thickening was facilitated by the appearance of the fungus, then the course of treatment will necessarily include the use of special antifungal agents. Remember that a truly effective drug can only be prescribed by a doctor.
  3. If the thickening of the nails on the legs is provoked by the disease, the treatment should be aimed at neutralizing it in the first place. And if it is successful, then the deformation of the nail will disappear by itself after recovery.
  4. If the doctor diagnosed non-fungal nail damage, then in treatment, the stroke should be done on a correct and balanced diet.
  5. And, finally, with genetic predisposition, it is recommended to be treated with folk methods: to make special trays of herbs, lotions, to use a means for softening thickened nails (for example, Scholl is considered the most effective softener).

In fact, thickening of the nail is a serious problem requiring compulsory treatment. Ignoring it can lead to the appearance of subungual ulcers (especially if to wear uncomfortable shoes), injuries to neighboring fingers and even skin diseases.