Is it possible to keep at home stephanotis - signs

There are a lot of signs related to plants and their contents at home. It is believed that being in the house each plant brings its energy into it, but it must be said that it can be very different. In this article - about the plant stephanotis. Is it possible to keep houses, signs , descriptions and features of this houseplant, which for some reason (not quite deserved, I must say) acquired the status of a not very suitable home neighbor.

Stephanotis - signs and superstitions

There is a belief that this flower has a property that can protect a woman's house from the presence of male representatives in it. If a flower has got into a house where a man already lives, then in the family there is supposed to be an early disagreement.

Although many skeptics believe that the reasons for which the husband leaves the house are: lack of dinner, screaming and slovenly mistress and filth in the house. So there is nothing to blame for anything in anything innocent and by the way, a stunningly smelling flower, to which such a situation and neighborhood may also not appeal.

By the way, there is another sign related to the content of stephanotis at home. Since this plant is extremely gentle, capricious and whimsical, it blooms quite rarely. If the flower Stefanotis blossomed, the omen is a good omen. She means that the girl living in the house will very soon get married and live in a happy marriage. This sign is based on the fact that most often this girl is the mistress of the flower that cares for him. Hence follows the conclusion - a well-groomed plant blooms and in gratitude, or whether it attracts the beloved mistress of a suitable man, or harmonizes her existing relations . So comparing the stephanotis with the vampire and muzhegonom ivy in this case, well, not relevant.

If the signs of stephanotis are more or less clear, then not all are aware of its natural properties. This beautiful plant comes from the Malay Islands and Madagascar. It has a stunning scent and impresses with its exotic appearance. But besides this, poisonous juice flows in it. You can keep Stephanotis at home, but you need to put it at such a height that children or animals can not reach it. All planting works must be carried out in rubber gloves. The ingestion of the poison of stephanotis into the body of an animal or a small child can lead to unpredictable consequences. So if you already acquire such an exotic, then put it as high as possible.