Plaster of Calluses

Many women in many ways try to make the skin on all areas of the body soft and smooth. However, these efforts often lead to a problem such as corn, which is formed on the feet, toes, hands, and sometimes elbows and knees due to rubbing against coarse material. The tender skin in these areas is most prone to calluses, and to correct these shortcomings apply a patch. Depending on the type of corn and the area where it arose, patches of different materials are applied, they also differ in their effect on the skin: they are, for example, protective and curative.

Plaster from calluses and corns

The natypes differ from the dry calluses with the skin lesion area: they are smaller. Often they look like oval tubercles on the feet or toes.

Currently, there are patches, which actually eliminate the burrs, thanks to a special manufacturing technology - hydrocolloid. They can also be used to treat dry calluses, which have appeared recently.

The company Compeed offers to regularly wear such a plaster from the burrs, because it protects the skin from external pressure, prevents moisture and kills bacteria. The medicinal property of the plaster is that it softens the horny skin over time.

Features of application:

  1. The patch is applied to dry and clean skin.
  2. Before gluing, warm it with your hands, so that it fits better, and after that, hold the sealed place for a minute with the palm of your hand.
  3. You need to wear this plaster until it unlocks itself.

Plaster from growing corns

Growing calluses arise, as a rule, because of the toes of poor-quality footwear, trimmed from the inside with coarse material or unsuitable in size. An ingrown corn is a site of a keratinized skin, it can not cause painful sensations at first, but then, in the absence of treatment, it will cause discomfort.

One of the effective methods of treatment is recognized by the adhesive company compidium from mature ingrowing calluses. Its peculiarity in the combination of therapeutic and protective functions, tk. he has a disc of salicylic acid, which, constantly acting on the skin, softens it, and then the ingrown corn is easier to remove. Also, it allows less traumatizing this vulnerable area, which speeds up recovery.

Another patch of this brand is also intended for ingrown calluses, but it does not have such a curative effect as the previous one, and mainly contributes to comfort: thanks to the hydrocolloids it contains, the callus softens and is not so palpable when pressed.

Features of application:

  1. Plasters of this category are applied to clean, dry skin.
  2. To better fix the adhesive, it should be warmed for about 1 minute in hands.

It is also worth noting that such patches for the removal of calluses exist in two forms: one designed for the toes, and the other has a rounded shape for gluing to the calluses formed between the fingers.

Plaster for wet corns

Wet blisters also cause a lot of problems, but their treatment differs from solid ones: for example, there is a special patch from the wet calluses of Compeed. It refers to medical, therefore, the earlier from the formation of calluses it will be caused, the better.

Its action has several directions:

Such a plaster is made of hydrocolloid material, which simultaneously protects the skin and accelerates healing.

The company Compeed offers us two types of such patches: medium and small, which are designed for different in size corns.

The peculiarity of this patch application is that it needs to be glued onto dry, disinfected skin.

Protective patches

Unfortunately, sometimes there are situations that recently bought beautiful sandals or shoes, it turns out, heavily rubbed their feet. For those who do not agree with the opinion that beauty requires sacrifices, there are protective gel plasters from calluses that are imperceptible and at the same time avoid the rubbing.

Silicone plasters from calluses are more often sold in set: two large ovals and two small ones. They have an adhesive surface and are easily fixed on the shoes. Their thickness is several millimeters, they are transparent, and because of this, they are almost invisible.

Features of application:

  1. The patch is applied to dry skin.
  2. Since it is reusable, it must be washed and dried before the next application.

These patches can be not only round, but also oblong forms, which allows them to be selected under the open shoes.