Turpentine baths - indications and contraindications

Turpentine baths are a therapeutic balneological method based on the use of baths with natural turpentine turpentine, which is obtained from the resin of coniferous trees. The method was developed by the doctor of medical sciences A. Zalmanov, therefore it is sometimes called Zalmanov's turpentine baths. Consider what is the benefit of Zalmanov's turpentine baths, and what are their contraindications.

Than useful turpentine baths?

The healing properties of turpentine turpentine, which is made from resinous mass, isolated from the cuttings on coniferous trees, has been known since ancient times. Its main properties are antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

Turpentine baths, acting on the capillary network, contribute to better blood circulation, increased metabolism, normalization of blood pressure. There is a gradual opening of closed capillaries, saturation of tissues with oxygen and nutrients, removal of toxins and metabolic products from cells. Thanks to the improvement of capillary blood flow, inhibition of pathological processes occurs, the damaged tissues are restored.

Types of turpentine baths

Turpentine baths are divided into three types:

White bathtubs

They are prepared on the basis of an emulsified form of turpentine, which completely dissolves in water. Such procedures produce the following effect:

Yellow baths

Such baths are prepared on the basis of a special solution, in which turpentine is combined with castor oil and oleic acid. The action of yellow turpentine baths is as follows:

Mixed baths

These procedures involve the combination of a white emulsion and a yellow solution, or alternating between two kinds of baths.

Indications for treatment with turpentine baths:

Contraindications turpentine baths

Despite a wide range of indications of turpentine baths, there are these procedures and contraindications:

Treatment should be performed according to the indications and under the supervision of a specialist.