What is profitable to grow for sale?

The question of how to get the maximum profit with minimum costs was relevant at all times. Well, and with the onset of another economic crisis, its relevance grows a hundredfold. One way to earn money is to grow something for sale. About that it is profitable to grow for sale and our today's conversation will go.

What to grow houses for sale?

If you are a happy owner of the infield, then the options that can be grown for sale quite a lot. It can be berries, fruits, and vegetables. But what to do to those who do not have a land plot? In this case, you can do home-grown flowers, greens or mushrooms. All these cultures will not require any massive financial injections, nor huge areas for cultivation, but at the same time they will be able to provide a stable income.

How to grow greens for sale?

Growing greenery as a business idea will always be relevant: in winter and summer, it is equally in demand, and therefore, brings revenue. But in order to make this a profitable business, it is necessary to grow green vegetables in large enough quantities. If we talk about the house, then under the green it will be necessary to select one of the rooms. For example, in a room with an area of ​​about 20 m & sup2 it is possible to equip racks with crops in several tiers with a total area of ​​about 30 m & sup2, illuminating each of them using special luminaires. Literally two months after sowing seeds, green plantations will bring their first income. With competent care and good seed material, the profit from this venture can be 500%.

How to grow flowers for sale?

At home, flowers can be grown for sale, such as hyacinths, senpolis, tulips, etc. In a room with an area of ​​about 20 m & sup2, you can freely place from one and a half to two hundred plants, which will take 2-3 hours a day to clean. For example, with the cultivation of hyacinths, the main costs will be to purchase planting stock and land mixture. Also, disposable pots of small diameter will be required. Flowering of hyacinths should be expected three months after planting, and this time can be reduced by changing the level of illumination.

How to grow champignons for sale?

It will also be quite profitable to grow champignons for sale. But it will require a specially equipped room, and strict adherence to the temperature regime, and quite significant material costs. To grow champignons, you will need to purchase a special substrate, mycelium. The first harvest of mushrooms can be collected in 2-3 months after planting the mycelium.