Root Celery - Growing and Care

Root celery is grown for its root crops, having a piquant taste and strong spicy flavor. Grow this culture in your garden is not difficult, but to get a good harvest, you should know the specifics of this process.

Growing seedlings of root celery

First of all, we note that root celery is grown through seedlings, since the period of its vegetation is 150-190 days. For this reason, the seeds are planted no later than the second decade of February . In addition, the seeds of root celery quickly lose their germination, so choose only fresh seed.

It is recommended to conduct pre-sowing preparation: disinfect the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then soak them and wait for pecking. So you can choose the best, the strongest plants, which will later give the desired harvest of delicious root vegetables.

Keep in mind that root celery needs a double pick. At the same time, the main root is shortened approximately by one third - this is necessary for the formation of a single root in the correct form.

Care of root celery in the open ground

Further care for root celery and its cultivation does not involve special difficulties. Like most garden crops, celery is required to be watered regularly, as well as to get rid of the weeds growing in the aisles.

This plant does not like drought. During the whole vegetation period, carefully monitor the soil condition: it should be slightly moist. To waterlog too it is not necessary, try to water regularly, but in moderation (preferably under the root).

One of the important features of root varieties of celery is that this plant should not cut the leaves (at least in the summer). Otherwise, all the useful substances, not having had time to go to the root, will remain in the leaves, which will be cut off. If you want to grow a delicious greens on your site, plant leaf celery.

Another taboo in the cultivation of root celery is hilling. Celery is not a potato, and you can not fully croche it. This will lead to the formation of numerous lateral roots instead of the main one, and the root crop will lose its beautiful marketable appearance.

Many novice gardeners are interested in how to feed seedlings of root celery. For this purpose, an infusion of bird droppings or a solution of complex fertilizer is suitable. And a week after planting the seedlings, you can arrange two additional fertilizing, infusion of mullein and superphosphate.