Human sense organs

Since school years, we have remembered how many sensory organs a person has. Offering such information to us in a simplified form, the teachers talked about five basic elements: vision, smell, touch, taste and hearing. All this enters into the system of sense organs, more precisely into the receptor, the receptor apparatus of the central nervous system. However, in addition to the five called positions, the receptors are located in all organs and tissues, which allows you to control the body not only externally, but also internally. It is the receptors of the sense organs that allow us to feel our own state of health and perceive the world around them.

The role of the sense organs

A holistic system responsible for the perception, transmission and processing of information from within or outside, is called an analyzer. It is represented by a number of different in their function receptors, each of which is associated with a specific area of ​​the cerebral cortex, where the analysis is carried out and our sensations are formed.

That is why the answer to the question what kind of sense organs a person has, should sound like "different types of receptors." After all, touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste, balance and position of the body in space determine, in fact, the peripheral parts of the analyzers. Let us consider what are the sense organs, or rather, certain ways of perceiving reality.

The most important are sight and hearing, because it is without these two basic ways of perceiving reality that a person becomes incapable of functioning in modern society on an equal basis with the rest of its members. Lack of hearing often leads to a lack of ability to speak (if deafness began in childhood), why a person faces a lot of difficulties. The lack of sight deprives the person of the opportunity to contemplate the surrounding world, and in fact this is one of the main channels of cognition of reality.

The sense of smell is of secondary importance against the background of this, with the defeat of which a person can fully carry out vital activity without any restrictions. However, if his work is related to food or perfumery, there may be problems, up to a change in the type of activity.

In any case, the role of each of the senses is not only important separately, but also interacts with the others, completing the picture of the surrounding world and supplementing it with new shades.

Interesting about the sense organs of man

Despite the fact that we use sensory organs from childhood, there are many interesting facts that often remain in the shadows.

The senses are an amazing, not fully explored world, in which there is still room for new discoveries, observations and research.