Degradation of personality

Today, the problem of social degradation of the individual, society and humanity as a whole is one of the main problems of life on the planet. Moral and moral norms are created to regulate the behavior of such a huge number of people who inhabit our planet. However, more and more often people do not want to take into account the foundations of society, the norms of behavior. Such a movement leads to unrest, anarchy, arbitrariness.

Signs of degradation:

Now it is much easier to understand the reasons for the progressive degradation of our society. What worries about our health if the family values ​​are already destroyed? Why live aspiration for the better, when all this can be replaced with minute pleasures? .. Because in our minds, unfortunately, consumer thinking prevails, we do not seriously think about what our future generation is waiting for. Basically, it is the consumer attitude that has become the most important cause of the ecological catastrophe - the reckoning of modern humanity for civilization.

It's amazing that we are only talking loudly about the end of the world, but we are not seriously considering solving this problem. Breaking is not about building, and if the person does not deal with himself, his own development - sooner or later, but it degrades. To constantly maintain itself at a high level, even without talking about development, a great contribution of time and energy is needed. Inattention to one's own personality, absolute reluctance to build and improve it is immoral and ends often very sadly. If not a physical death - then just spiritual.

Spiritual degradation can now be traced in hostility, discrimination of the rights of surrounding people (crime, alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.). Morally degrading people are not at all interested in the global problems of mankind, its cultural achievements. This raises a huge problem of low moral development. Someone blames technical achievements for this. But these are only material things, which themselves can not affect in any way. People themselves implement and disseminate information in them and, unfortunately, the time when the TV program began with news about cultural achievements, has long sunk into oblivion.

The causes of moral degradation are also characterized by a rise in material values. On the way to the wealth of man, neither the numerous deaths nor the problems of ecology stop.

We have come to the point that degradation has become synonymous with modernity. We kind of aspire to eliminate the consequences, but we do not destroy their cause. Only if it is possible to stop the degradation of the brain of the population, then it is possible to get rid of many global problems.

It is also very important to understand that a person is no longer able to compete with rapidly developing technologies. Studies show that doubling the complexity of microprocessors occurs almost every year and a half, which means that soon computers will completely eclipse human capabilities. The process of degradation and the extinction of spiritual development are rapidly leading to the decline of the intellect, thus the process of evolution is reversed. Therefore, awareness and perfection of spirituality remains the only hope of the future generation.