Papillomas on the labia

Papilloma is a benign skin formation in the form of a warty growth on a small foot, in medicine it is known as genital warts. However, sometimes it is found without a peduncle in the form of a rounded smooth wart, which is called papillary condyloma.

Appear papillomas on the labia may result from infection of the body with human papillomavirus (HPV). As a rule, getting this virus into a healthy body is through sexual way. It should be noted that often the disease is asymptomatic, waiting for a convenient moment to prove itself.

The causes of papilloma on the external genitalia:

Unfortunately, the papilloma on the genitals is not just ugly and uncomfortable. In some cases, it can present a real threat to human life. Getting into the body the virus starts to spread rapidly, more and more capturing new sites. Appeared papilloma on the small labia can eventually grab the crotch, urethra, vagina and cervix. It is known that some types of HPV can be transformed into a malignant form. In addition, over time, the papilloma can grow to a fairly large size, resulting in a high probability that it will come off - this can lead to its malignancy.

Treatment of papilloma on the genitals

When the first signs of this disease appear, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist or a venereologist, since a person who is not an expert can not accurately determine the presence of papilloma, and not of any other education. The doctor will soon be able to diagnose the results of a thorough examination and the necessary tests. Treatment of papillomas on the genitals is reduced to their removal. This is a fairly fast and completely painless process, after which there is not even a scar left. AT modern medicine, there are several methods for treating papillomas on the labia:

At the second stage of treatment, immunostimulating drugs are prescribed to correct the immune system.

It is important after the treatment to periodically conduct a survey for the timely detection of new formations and their removal.