Urogenital chlamydia

Chlamydia is a sexual infection, the causative agent of which is a kind of microorganism Chlamydia trachomatis. Urogenital chlamydia resides inside the cell like a virus, but in its structure it is more like a bacterium. For this reason, and also because of its ability to parasitize inside cells, chlamydia is difficult to completely cure.

Urogenital or genital chlamydia occurs in 6-8% of the world's population. And more than 50% of cases it occurs simultaneously with other sexual infections ( ureaplasmosis , gardnerellez, trichomoniasis). The prevalence of the disease is due to the severity of its symptoms, the complexity of diagnosis, the development of strains of this bacterium, resistant to antibiotics. Urogenital chlamydia often leads to non-gonococcal urethritis, infertility, pneumonia, inflammation of the pelvic organs.

There is also such a type of chlamydia as extragenital chlamydia, to which Reiter's disease is referred with the following triad of symptoms: conjunctivitis, arthritis, urethritis.

Causes of urogenital chlamydiosis

The peak incidence of chlamydial infection falls on the age of 17-35 years. Transmission of infection occurs with genital-genital, oral-genital and anal-genital contacts.

Infection can also occur during childbirth, when chlamydia from the mother is passed on to a newborn baby. In this case, they speak of chlamydia of newborns.

Symptoms of urogenital chlamydiosis

In the acute stage, the symptoms of the disease are manifested by vitreous discharge from the urethra. It can also be observed: itching, discomfort when urinating, clumping of the urethral sponges.

Sometimes there are signs of intoxication, weakness, a slight increase in temperature.

But, as a rule, chlamydial infection occurs without any special symptoms. Once symptoms arisen, they can spontaneously disappear or appear occasionally in a mild form. So chlamydia passes into a chronic form, affecting many organs and systems of the body.

Treatment of urogenital chlamydiosis

In the treatment of this type of infection, antibiotic therapy is widely used, in particular macrolides, fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines. The choice of antibiotic is determined by the severity of the infection process.

In addition to antibiotics in the treatment of urogenital chlamydia, immunomodulators, antifungal drugs are used, and for strong discharge from the urethra, antimicrobial preparations of topical application are used.

Treatment must necessarily pass all the sexual partners of the patient.

At the end of the course of treatment, it is recommended that a repeat examination be conducted in order to confirm the cure of the disease.