Biseptol for cystitis

Cystitis is a scourge of a huge number of women. Painful urination is one of the common and painful signs of this unpleasant disease, but it is by no means the only symptom. Cystitis significantly reduces the quality of life of women, but its treatment requires a lot of patience. One of the drugs of choice for cystitis are antibacterial Biseptol tablets.

Biseptol and cystitis

Biseptol in cystitis is prescribed only by a doctor: it is a serious drug that requires an individual dosage, which can be inferred only by diagnostic results. Treatment of cystitis Biseptomol is based on the destruction of bacteria that are found in the female bladder, and affect and parasitize the entire genitourinary system. Cystitis is accompanied by a change in the urine sediment, inflammation of the bladder mucosa.

How to take Biseptolum with cystitis?

Biseptol is usually taken orally on day 4 tablets, which are drunk in pairs, that is, 2 in the evening and 2 in the morning. Take the drug for at least 4 days, but also take into account that taking antibiotics for a long time requires regular checks of the results of a blood test for a hematological reaction.

Treatment of cystitis Biseptomol is quite effective, but in addition to the positive effects of this drug, it does not exclude side effects.

Side effects of Biseptol:

Contraindications to the use of Biseptolum in cystitis

Biseptol works well for cystitis, it is an affordable and inexpensive drug, but not everyone can take it. Biseptol has a number of contraindications, namely: