Moby posted a post ridiculing the proposal from the administration of Trump

The famous musician, composer and DJ Moby recently posted an unexpected post in Instagram - an original response to the invitation to address the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States of America.

He with humor reacted to the opportunity to earn extra money on such a pathos event as a DJ.

Hahahahaha, wait, Hahahaha, really? Hahahahaha, wait, Hahahahaha, really? I guess I'm dying at the inaugural ball if as payment #trump released his tax returns. Also I would probably play public enemy and stockhausen remixes to entertain the republicans. I'm still laughing. Hahahaha. So #trump what do you think, I DJ for you and you release your tax returns?

Photo posted by moby XⓋX (@moby)

The caption for the photo depicting the building of the White House in Washington reads as follows:

"I received an offer from an impresario to play a DJ set on one of the balls timed to the inauguration of Trump. I'm still laughing as soon as I think about it. Guys, are you serious? And let's do this: as a fee, I will ask the future president to promulgate his tax return. Will it go? ".

And bohemians - against!

Recall that during the campaign Moby supported opponent Donald Trump, Mrs. Clinton.

Photo posted by moby XⓋX (@moby)

He is not the only one who is extremely skeptical about the future president of his country, so well-known musician Elton John just a couple of days ago declined the invitation to address the solemn ceremony, symbolizing the beginning of the Republican Trump. And during the presidential race, he did not allow the use of his hit musical compositions to promote Trump.

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Elton John and Moby are not alone in their negative attitude towards the oldest US president. On January 21, the day after the inauguration, a peaceful demonstration will take place along the streets of Washington - a women's march against the billionaire president. It promises to participate first-tier stars - Julianne Moore, Katy Perry, Scarlett Johansson, Francis McDormand, Cher.