How to take furosemide for weight loss?

How to take furosemide for weight loss - this is often asked by those who decided to get rid of excess weight with a diuretic. But before you start a similar "health" course, it is still more detailed to learn about the mechanism of the effect of the drug on the body and read reviews about it.

Is it really fat growing with furosemide?

If you are extremely interested in the question of how to drink furosemide for weight loss , you must first learn that this is not a specialized drug, not a panacea for excess weight, but a medicine that should be taken only as directed by a doctor. Usually, it is prescribed to patients suffering from edema due to heart disease, kidney problems, liver problems, etc. The drug effectively removes excess fluid from the body, but at the same time it has no effect on fat cells. In fact, your kilograms remain with you, leaving only water from the cells, including its vital part, containing valuable vitamins and minerals, which is already dangerous to health. Of course, maintaining a normal water balance is very important for those who follow a diet and do not want to get better. But furosemide, if not properly taken, can literally dry cells, which helps trigger the aging process, weakens immunity, significantly worsens well-being, and also causes addiction.

How to take furosemide for weight loss?

If the problems with excess weight in you are due to excess fluid, hiding in the body, then the drug shows you. But to determine this and prescribe a medicine is a doctor. When taking furosemide for weight loss is very important dosage. In day it can be only one tablet, in the most severe cases 2-3. it is necessary to take breaks and take the drug every other day. If you have an increased heart rate, there was a wild thirst, cramps of extremities, then the device should be stopped immediately. In parallel, you should start drinking vitamin complexes to make up for the shortage of valuable biologically active substances washed out of cells.

Why do you need to take furosemide together and asparks for weight loss?

To optimize metabolic processes in the body and minimize harm, it is recommended to take furosemide together with the drug asparkam , which contains potassium and magnesium. This medicine is usually prescribed to people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. Do asparks need no more than 2-3 tablets a day.