Abortion at home

Agree, the very idea of ​​an abortion at home in this age of high technology and advanced medicine sounds somehow wild. After all, everyone knows that abortion - the procedure for the artificial termination of pregnancy, even in a hospital and performed by a qualified specialist is very dangerous, what can we say about home conditions.

Let's skip the topic of moral and spiritual aspects of this very unpleasant, in every sense of the word, procedure and talk about possible consequences for girls who are faced with the problem of unwanted pregnancy, are wondering how to do home abortion.

Home abortion

Many women, determined to interrupt pregnancy without medical assistance, rely on the experience of generations. That's just not all take into account, the fact that the health of our great-grandmothers was much stronger, and indeed the real cause of death in this regard was often hushed up.

Therefore, if you decided on such a dangerous adventure, please be aware of the possible consequences of such an unjustifiable risk.

  1. So, one of the most famous ways to do a home abortion is a hot tub with mustard. Due to high temperatures, blood vessels expand significantly, which can provoke miscarriage through the beginning of heavy bleeding, which can not always be stopped even by an ambulance arriving on time. As a result, the outcome of such a procedure can be deplorable.
  2. The next most common way to get rid of unwanted pregnancies is the decoctions of various herbs, in particular tansy. Immediately note that tansy is a poisonous plant, and kills not only the fetus, but also poisons the mother's body. Just imagine what kind of intoxication can be obtained due to a double action: decomposing the intrauterine embryo and the venom itself. In addition, if the attempt to disrupt pregnancy failed, or a woman suddenly changed her mind about abortion, her chances of having a healthy baby after taking tansy are almost zero.
  3. Relatively safe are considered to be herbs that stimulate uterine contractions, resulting in miscarriage. However, this method is not always effective, since with a successfully developing pregnancy, to achieve its interruption in this way is almost impossible, and it is possible only to damage the own health and health of the unborn child.

Medical abortion at home

The danger is also presented by medical abortions at home. The fact is that when the reception of special drugs takes place under the supervision of a doctor, the process of expulsion of the fetus is controlled, as often remains in the uterus remains the fetal egg. In such situations, women are prescribed additional drugs that stimulate uterine contractions or perform surgical cleansing. If medical abortion is carried out at home, then with such complications, excessive bleeding may begin with severe blood loss, even death or infection of the body, also with a mass of negative consequences.

In addition, after a tabulated abortion, a woman may encounter other problems, for example, with a violation of the hormonal background, which alone will not be restored easily and dangerously. So you need to seek medical help anyway.

Of course, medical abortion, performed under the supervision of a doctor and in the early stages of up to six weeks of pregnancy, is considered the safest way to get rid of unwanted pregnancy. But, like other methods, it is inadmissible at home.