Moral education

The problem of moral education is one of the most acute in modern society. Now, when the whole world is in spiritual decline, it is very important to give it a special role. Moral education is a purposeful formation of moral consciousness, as well as a set of measures to develop moral feelings, as well as habits of moral behavior. The role of moral education is difficult to diminish - in fact it allows you to see a morally healthy nation.

Fundamentals of moral education

Let's consider what includes the concept of moral education, what aspects and qualities it should touch:

  1. Education of moral feelings: responsibility, citizenship, duty, conscience, faith, patriotism.
  2. Education of the moral image: mercy, meekness, patience, sympathy, nezlobivosti.
  3. Education of the moral position: the ability to distinguish between good and evil, good and bad, the ability to manifest love, willingness to life challenges.
  4. Education of moral behavior: manifestations of spiritual discretion, willingness to serve society and the Fatherland, goodwill.

Moral education of the individual in the family is not a one-sided process. It is important not only what the educator, the parent says, but also the pupil's response, which must be able to apply the perceived skills in life. It is worthwhile to understand that moral concepts do not immediately become a guide to action, but only when a person has deeply comprehended them and adopted as their own moral convictions. To speak about good social and moral education is possible only if the ultimate goal has been achieved, and not just measures taken to educate.

How to raise morality in a child?

The most important thing that parents need to understand is that children learn from life, and life in their early childhood is a family for them. You can read a hundred books to a child about how to be friendly, but if your family is constantly scandalized and reproached, the child will learn aggression, not morality. Therefore, it is necessary to begin such education, first of all, from your relationship with your spouse.

It is your personal example and nothing else that will allow the child to most accurately and correctly perceive all moral principles. A child in childhood simply perceives, and everything that he sees around him seems to him normal and justified. Models of behavior peculiar to his parents will certainly be embodied in his life.

Therefore, if you want to develop a child's patience - never shout at anyone, treat everyone and everything condescendingly. If you want the child to be friendly, sociable and hospitable - invite his friends to visit.

In order for the child to be able to empathize, one should not shy away from sick people and animals, but be able to sympathize, disinterestedly to help, to regret.

It is not necessary to tell the child what to do, because it is "inanimate" information, and her child will not take it. You just have to do it yourself, how would you like it to be done. If a child sees his father from childhood, sitting with a beer on the couch, and a stalked mother who constantly yells at him - what kind of development of morality can we talk about? A child who is raised will take either the position of the mother or father, but it is unlikely that any of this will bring him happiness.

That is why it is so important to harmonize your relations in the family, to keep a friendly atmosphere, to be sensitive to people and animals, to be able to show sympathy and find a compromise in a difficult situation, and not to throw a scandal. Moral education is possible only in the family that lives by such principles.