Sage - planting and care

For quite a long time mankind has been friends with sage, paying tribute to him for his wonderful medicinal properties and unobtrusive beauty. In the old days people attributed this plant and certain magical properties, for example, the ability to evoke sympathy and even love. But if with love the matter is quite dark, then the property of sage to stop toothache and relieve inflammation is not in question, as well as its use in infertility . In addition to medicine, found his place in the kitchen and sage, where it is successfully used as a culinary seasoning. That is why we have devoted our article to the question of how to plant a sage and take care of it so that it will please an excellent harvest.

Sage plant

The plant sage belongs to the genus of the clearing and has more than 700 varieties. The sage represents a shrub with numerous stalks about 60 cm high. The flowering of sage falls on the first two months of summer, and then it becomes covered with blue-purple flowers with a very pleasant aroma. Although sage refers to perennials, most of its species can not survive wintering in Russian conditions and simply freeze. Therefore, in Russia, sage is grown as an annual plant. But some types of sage still able to withstand frosts, so let's move on to the issue of growing a perennial sage.

Sage for many years - cultivation and care

  1. For the planting of sage, it is necessary to select areas with soil of normal acidity (pH 6.5), sufficiently lighted and protected from drafts. Since in nature this plant grows mainly in the mountains, it will feel most comfortable in the soils of light, loamy soils. In areas of stagnant and marshy sage quickly degenerates.
  2. To create the most comfortable conditions in the autumn, before planting in autumn, the soil on the site is enriched by applying organic and phosphoric-potassium fertilizers. In the spring, when preparing the site for planting, nitrogen fertilizers additionally contribute to the soil.
  3. You can propagate sage in three ways: planting seeds in the open ground, growing seedlings and dividing the bush into sprouts. On seedlings, seeds of sage are sown in March, before dousing them in water or a solution of the stimulant for a day. In the open ground, sage seeds can be sown in early spring, or late autumn. In spring sowing it is better to use pre-soaked seeds, and for winter sowing - it is extremely dry.
  4. Furrows for sowing sage mark at a distance of half a meter from each other. Seeds in grooves should be buried at 4 cm, and the distance between seeds to withstand 15-20 cm.
  5. Care for long-term sage is to loosen the soil and remove weeds , timely watering and the annual cutting of bushes.
  6. The sage should be trimmed in April, leaving 13 cm hemp shoots. Pruning not only gives the sage bush a neat and well-groomed appearance, but also helps to rejuvenate the plant.
  7. Watering a sage should be extremely accurate, because he really does not like overflows. Therefore, the soil around it should be slightly moist, but, in no case, not flooded.
  8. To obtain the best result, sage can be slightly fed. With this purpose in the spring, before flowering, nitrogen fertilizers are introduced into the soil, and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used in the autumn in preparation for wintering.
  9. In one place, sage can be grown up to 10 years in a row, subject to annual rejuvenation of bushes.
  10. When sage begins to bloom, you can proceed to harvest and harvest it. Sage leaves can both be used for food raw, and harvested for future use, drying them in a dark and well ventilated room.