Garden hydrangea - preparation for winter

Hortensia is loved to grow because of its ability to bloom from spring to late autumn. To the plant pleased you with its inflorescences for many years, you need to provide him with proper care, which is also in preparation for the winter. Therefore, with the advent of autumn, the question becomes urgent: what to do with hydrangeas for the winter?

In the autumn, they stop fertilizing the shrubbery with nitrogen fertilizers. Begin to introduce phosphate-potash fertilizers to accelerate the process of lignification.

How to properly cut a hydrangea for the winter

Beginning gardeners are interested in: whether the hydrangea is cut for the winter? In autumn, it is necessary to remove old or damaged plant shoots. In addition, it is necessary to shorten annual growths by 2-5 kidneys.

In case you leave a hydrangea without shelter, you need to cut the inflorescence. Because the branches of the plant are very fragile, they can break down under the weight of the snow.

How to insulate a hydrangea for the winter

The method of warming the shrub depends on how severe the winters are in your region. Sometimes it's enough just to hike the bush high. But if you expect severe frost, then it is better to provide shelter for the plant.

You can recommend the following ways of hiding the hydrangea:

  1. The bush is tied with a rope, bent and tied to the boards laid on the ground. From above, place sawdust or lapnik and cover with spunbond or lutrasilom.
  2. In the area of ​​the stump circle, a shelter is placed from the billet. The shoots are bent to the sides from the center of the bush and fastened with staples to the ground. Peat is buried in the center of the bush, and shoots are covered with lapnik and covered with lutrasil on top. Lutrasil on the edges are fixed with bricks.
  3. If you are dealing with an adult bush, dipping the shoots to the ground can be difficult. In this case, the bush is wrapped with lutrasil, tied with a rope and a skeleton made of metal mesh is built over it. Inside put dry leaves, on top of the frame cover with roofing material.

If you take all the necessary measures to prepare for the winter, your hydrangea in the winter in the garden will be protected from the cold.