Types of roots and types of root systems

Have you noticed that weeding some weeds in the garden does not do any good? And it also happens that in a couple of days, it would seem that a completely clean area is covered with a green carpet? The fact is that just snatching a plant even with a piece of root is not always a solution to the problem. For this it is not a bad idea to turn once again to the school course and remember the types of roots and root systems.

What do you need to know about the types of roots and types of root systems?

First, we "separate the grains" and disassemble that several types of roots are distinguished:

Now we turn to the question, what are the types of root systems. All kinds of plant roots in the aggregate we call the root system. And here lies the reason for the failures of the summer residents. If the system is pivotal , the main root is clearly visible, the depth of its growth can reach 20 meters. The same sow or sowing alfalfa with its roots go very deep into the ground.

And there are types of root system, when all root species develop approximately the same way and one main root can not be distinguished. You will see such a lobe system in wheat grass, fescue. Such crops are needed for those areas where the soil is loose and requires a literal compaction, which is achieved by a number of densely intertwined roots.

But nature is multifaceted, and the types of roots and root systems can be completely unaccustomed to our region. For many tropical plants, the types of the root system with the modified roots are characteristic. These are aerial roots that do not grow underground. Sometimes there are types of root system with suction roots. These roots literally grow into the roots of other plants. There are also root-hooks, allowing climbing climbing plants to a height. There are plant types and types of root systems with atypical types of roots - respiratory and supporting.