Malva - when to plant seeds?

Malva is a very beautiful flower with a wide variety of colors. As an ornamental plant it has been grown for a long time and everywhere. In addition, its medicinal properties are known, which makes the plant even more popular and desirable for gardeners.

To many, the mallow is known as the kalachik, rod-rose, or mallow. There are about thirty varieties of plants, most of which are annual. But there are also perennial species.

Malva is a herbaceous plant with a long and straight stem, sometimes reaching a height of more than a meter. The leaves and the bottom of the stem are covered with a small fluff. The leaves have a rounded shape with 5-7 lobes. The flowers themselves are located in the axils of the leaves for 2 or more pieces. Flowering continues throughout the summer.

Species and varieties of mallow

As already mentioned, the mallow can be annual or perennial. Among the annual species, the most popular varieties are:

To the long-term carry the following varieties:

In addition, there are also hybrid varieties, the most popular of which are:

How to grow mallow from seeds?

Planting mallow seeds directly into the ground is just one way. The second is the preliminary cultivation of seedlings with its further planting into the open ground. Let's consider both of these methods.

How to plant mallow seeds?

So, when to plant the seeds of mallow? Terms of sowing in the open ground fall on the month of May, when there is no threat of nocturnal frosts. You can also make a sub-sowing crop. But it is preferable to sow in the spring.

With a seedless method of cultivation in prepared soil, small holes are made up to 3 cm deep and with a distance between them of 25-50 cm. They are put in a couple of seeds and buried in soil. To water it is necessary by sprinkling, so as not to wash the seeds. If everything is done correctly, the first shoots will appear after a couple of weeks.

When two real leaves appear on the shoots, the seedlings should be thinned - one plant should remain in each well. We give preference to the strongest and most viable germ.

Further care for the mallow is in moderate watering once a week, loosening the soil once a month and disposable composting (3 kg per 1 square meter).

Sowing of mallow seed for seedlings

If you want to try the seedling method, get peat pills , pots or containers. This is necessary because the plant has fragile roots that do not like and do not tolerate the transplant.

How to plant mallow from seeds: 2-3 seeds are planted in each pot or cell. In order for them to sprout faster, it is necessary to ensure a temperature of + 18-20 ° C. Seedlings will appear in a couple of weeks, after which they need to be weeded out so that between the sprouts was a distance of 2-3 cm.

If you feel sorry for just cutting through the mallow, you can, after the appearance of 2-3 real leaves, dive "superfluous" sprouts in separate peas and leave to grow.

Once the bunches get stronger, they begin to temper, that is, take out for a while at open air. Then they are planted in the open ground directly in cassettes or pots.

Choice of permanent place and care

Malva loves sunny and constantly illuminated areas. As the stems grow, especially if it is a tall variety, they need to be tied. Water the plant with caution, it does not like stagnation of moisture. But with ease drought, although in the flowering period it is better not to allow this. Just provide the plant with moderate watering throughout the season.

In return for such simple care, the mallow will give you a lot of aesthetic pleasure from contemplating her extraordinary beauty.