Seedlings of flowers in February - what to plant?

Only a person completely remote from agriculture can think that the beginning of sowing works in the garden coincides with the calendar spring. In fact, even in the midst of the February frosts, a real fan of agriculture can not sit idly by, since it is time to sow the first seedlings. About what flowers can and should be planted on seedlings in February, we'll talk today.

What flowers are sown on seedlings in February?

What, what flower seeds should be planted in seedlings in February? For planting during this period, usually those plants that are not suitable for non-crop cultivation in a particular locality are chosen. Most often these are perennials and annuals, whose growing season takes at least six months, and which simply do not have time to enter the flowering phase before the onset of cold weather:

  1. In the last decade of February, it's time to plant seedlings of very bright and lovely flowers - known to all petunias. By the time of transplantation into the open ground (and this occurs usually in May-June), the seedlings of petunia sown in February not only grows stronger, but even manage to form buds. Seeds of petunia are very, very small, almost microscopic, so it can be sown only superficially, evenly distributing the seeds mixed with sand on the surface of the soil mixture in the seedling box.
  2. Blossom cloves Shabo under the most favorable conditions occurs no earlier than five to six months after sowing seeds. That's why we sow these flowers on the seedlings also in February, so that by mid-summer you can admire magnificent headdresses.
  3. Concerned at the beginning of February with the sowing of begonia seeds, in June we will receive a full-blooming, robust seedlings ready for transplantation to a flower bed or mixborder.
  4. Cover the site with a luxuriantly flowering carpet, decorate the flower bed or balcony - all these tasks are possible under the beauty of a lobelia, the time for growing seedlings also comes in February.
  5. If at the end of February the heliotrope, traditionally grown as a pilot, is sown on seedlings, by the time of transplantation into the open ground it will have time to blossom, and all the summer long will delight the eye with bright fragrant flowers.
  6. Sown in the middle of the last winter month, Waller's balm will also pass from seed to a flowering bush just before the moment of emigration from the seedling box to the flower bed.
  7. So similar to miniature astrocytes, daisies are often grown as biennials, sowing directly in the flower garden in early summer and getting bloom only in the second year of life. To speed up the process, it's enough to grow sprouts of daisies by sowing their seeds in the first half of February.
  8. In the same way, you can do with Viola , more known in the people under the affectionate name "Pansies". If you grow seedlings planted at the end of winter, then in June you can admire your own elegant flower bed.
  9. Another representative of biennials, whose flowering can be accelerated through the February sowing - salvia shining.
  10. The only one of the numerous pink fraternity, who easily and easily yields to seed cultivation, the Chinese rose "Angel Wings" is also suitable for planting on seedlings in the winter. The period of its sowing is wide enough: starting from February to April. The only disappointment that can lie in wait for the florists - possible with this way of propagation of the deviation from the original variety. But against the background of rapid growth and abundant flowering, such surprises are simply lost.