Cytoflavin - indications for use

Blood circulation and oxygen exchange are controlled by metabolic processes. To improve them, Cytoflavin is prescribed - the indications for the use of the medication allow to normalize brain functions, restore the rheological properties of blood and its composition, and use it in the complex therapy of serious diseases of the brain tissue.

Indications for use of the drug Cytoflavin

The agent in question is available in two forms - tablets and a solution for intravenous administration.

The active components of Cytoflavin in both cases are vitamins (B2 and PP), as well as succinic acid and riboxin. These ingredients are natural metabolites of the human body.

Thus, iosin stimulates the production of nucleotide enzymes, succinic acid activates electron transport and, accordingly, improves tissue respiration. Vitamin PP (nicotinamide) increases the permeability of cells for oxygen compounds, and vitamin B2 (riboflavin) intensifies redox reactions.

Thus, the combination of these components determines the antihypoxic, energy-correcting and antioxidant effect of the drug. Therefore, indications for the use of Cytoflavin tablets include:

It is also important to pay attention to special instructions when prescribing a medication. If the patient suffers from diabetes, therapy should be controlled by the amount of glucose in the blood. Presence in the anamnesis of an arterial hypertensia assumes correction of a dosage of hypotensive medicines. Particular care should be exercised with nephrolithiasis.

Indications for use of the drug Cytoflavin in ampoules

The solution for intravenous administration is sold in ampoules of 5 and 10 ml, as well as vials of 5 ml. The concentration of active ingredients in the liquid form of the drug is higher than in tablets.

Indications for use of a dropper with Cytoflavin:

Also, the solution for intravenous administration is administered with a deterioration of consciousness after general anesthesia.

It is important to remember that Cytoflavin should be used as soon as possible, in the presence of the first clinical manifestations of circulatory disorders. This is especially true for strokes and post-insult conditions, toxic, hypoxic or dyscirculatory encephalopathy and post-nancial depression.

The described agent is used to maintain the vital functions of patients in a coma. Cytoflavin helps to fill the deficiency of vitamins B and PP, succinic acid, which do not come with food. Moreover, the medicamental preparation improves metabolic processes in the brain tissue, oxygen exchange, shows antioxidant activity, restores the blood composition.