Hygroma - treatment

Hygroma, also called ganglia, is a benign entity. It is a mobile cyst with an elastic membrane (capsule) and viscous contents of light yellow color. A tumor grows out of a tendon or joint on a thin leg of connective tissue. Sometimes the contents can have a jelly-like structure, then the hygroma is less mobile.

Most often, surgical intervention is performed to eliminate the ganglion, but the hygroma is treated with folk remedies.


The main causes of cysts are:

  1. Injury.
  2. Features of professional activity.
  3. Excessive load on the limbs.
  4. Other diseases.

Often, the hygroma occurs causelessly or it is not possible to diagnose factors that affect the formation of the tumor.


Ganglion without inflammatory processes is manifested only in the form of a cosmetic defect as a small elastic cone in the place of formation.

An inflamed hygroma complicates treatment and is diagnosed with the following symptoms:


Locations of localization of hygroma are not too extensive:

  1. The wrist joint, basically - the back surface.
  2. Interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints - palmar surface.
  3. Ankle joints.

Hygroma - traditional methods of treatment in medicine

Most often, the hygroma involves treatment with an operation to remove the cyst and its coat. This is the most effective and safe way to get rid of any ganglion for good. Moreover, subsequent relapses are excluded, because surgical removal of connective tissue does not allow it to regenerate. In addition, there are medical and physiotherapy techniques used for small gigrom, depending on the location.

Hygroma brush - treatment. The basic scheme of the events:

  1. Physiotherapeutic procedures (warming compresses, massage).
  2. Puncture hygroma with the removal of its contents using a syringe.
  3. Introduction into the emptied shell of medicinal preparations.

Hygroma of the wrist and wrist joint - treatment. To combat the carpal ganglion, the same methods as for the brush hygroma work well. But there are several other procedures:

  1. Ultraviolet irradiation of the tumor.
  2. Electrophoresis with iodine solution.
  3. Warming with paraffin or medical mud.

If the hygroma on the arm is very small - the treatment can consist in the usual crushing of the ganglion until it bursts.

Hygroma of foot - treatment. The ankle joint is the most dangerous location of the hygroma. This is due to a constant load on the foot and wearing shoes, often too tight. Ganglion can squeeze nerves and nearby blood vessels. This leads not only to impaired mobility, but also causes severe pain.

The methods of treatment with wrist and wrist gig can also be used to alleviate the symptoms of the ganglion of the ankle. But in medicine it is strongly recommended that as soon as possible to remove even small formations on the foot in order to prevent the development of the pathological course of the disease.

Hygroma - folk methods of treatment

There are many recipes for the treatment of ganglia without surgery. But it should be noted that only a small uninfected hygroma presupposes treatment at home.

The hygroma of the foot is a folk remedy. Of all the recipes, there is one most effective, based on a standard physiotherapy procedure:

The hygroma on the wrist or wrist is treated with folk remedies. Among the variety of recipes, the most popular are only three:

1. Copper:

2. Alcohol:

3. Physalis: