Than to cure pityriasis?

Pityriasis (multicolored) lichen is a dermatological disease of infectious nature, the causative agent of which are yeast-like fungi, which are the permanent representatives of the skin microflora of most people (mainly these fungi are found on the skin of the upper body, in the skin folds). Under normal conditions, the causative agent of the infection does not manifest itself in any way and does not cause harm to health, however, under the influence of certain factors, its rapid development and reproduction, provoking defeat of the stratum corneum of the skin, can occur.

Most pathology develops due to prolonged exposure to heat, under the influence of solar radiation, with hyperhidrosis , hormonal disorders. The first manifestation of this form of lichen is the appearance of large, rounded scaly patches of yellowish, pink or brownish color. The spots gradually increase, they can change color, and then merge into one huge, localized on a specific area of ​​the body (back, chest, neck, etc.).

How and how quickly to cure pityriasis?

Despite the fact that the disease is not accompanied by pain and rarely causes any complications, it is not worth neglecting its treatment, otherwise the infection can permanently damage the skin, giving it an unaesthetic appearance and delivering psychological discomfort.

Patients with this diagnosis are recommended to carefully follow the rules of hygiene, wearing non-stiff clothes from natural fabrics, a full balanced diet with an abundance of fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products and refusal of sweets, fresh baked goods, smoked products.

Local therapy includes the appointment of external antifungal drugs, while only the doctor must determine after examination what exactly to treat pityriasis, what ointments, creams, etc. apply, and how long to continue the treatment course. Most often, such funds are prescribed:

As an auxiliary external treatment can be used:

If the lesion affects the scalp, it is necessary to use shampoos with an antifungal effect - Nizoral, Keto Plus, Skin-Cap, Sulsen, etc.

If local therapy does not give the proper effect, antifungal agents of systemic action are prescribed:

How to treat pityriasis during pregnancy?

During the period of gestation, this disease is often encountered, which is explained by a decrease in the woman's immunity. In order not to harm the future child, only local drugs that do not affect the systemic blood flow are allowed for treatment. For example, relatively safe are:

Also, in order to strengthen immunity, it is recommended to take vitamin-mineral complexes, more often to stay outdoors, observe the right diet and practice gymnastics for pregnant women.

Is it possible to treat pityriasis lichene with vinegar, boric acid?

Traditional medicine offers many tools for the treatment of pityriasis, popular among which are apple cider vinegar and boric acid, which have an antifungal effect. Vinegar is recommended to apply 5-6 times a day on the lesions in pure form. From the boric acid powder, a solution should be prepared by diluting 10 g of the substance with a glass of boiled water and treating the resulting rash 2 to 3 times a day for at least 10 days.