Strongyloidosis - symptoms, treatment and the best ways to avoid infection

Worms in humans - this is a very common disease that occurs in all countries of the world. It can be of different types, it can be transmitted in violation of personal hygiene or from animals. Whatever has strongyloidiasis symptoms, its treatment is always complex and long-lasting.

The method of transfer of strongyloidiasis

This disease is a chronic geogelmintosis that causes round nematode worms, they are also called intestinal acne. Its total length is about 2 mm and a day it lays up to 50 eggs, which have the shape of an oval. The whole life cycle of parasites is in the host's body, so they can be treated for several decades, or even a lifetime.

If you do not carry out treatment, then hyperinfection (disseminated strongyloidiasis) begins and ends with a fatal outcome. Nematode worms mainly affect the mucous membrane of the stomach, the thick and small intestine and duodenum. They provoke a general allergy and cause severe diarrhea. About 65 million people on the planet suffer from these worms. Infect these parasites in the tropics and subtropics.

Strongyloidosis is the causative agent of helminthiasis, which can be infected from a sick person emitting parasites with feces. Still there are such mechanisms of infection:

  1. Through the skin or percutaneous. In this case, larvae of helminths enter the human body through the epithelium, hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands. Infection can occur during rest on grass, farm work and walking barefoot.
  2. Autoinvasive process. In this case, the infection of the body occurs directly in the intestine, when the nematode larvae emerge from the eggs and begin to actively grow and develop.
  3. Oral mechanism. During this process, strongyloidosis is transmitted through food (unwashed fruit, berries or vegetables) and drinking water, which contains eggs of parasites.

Strongyloidosis - symptoms in humans

When answering a question about what symptoms have strongyloidosis, the incubation period, from 2 weeks to a couple of years, should be taken into account. There are several phases of the disease: early and late (or chronic). In the first case, a person can feel:

The late stage of strongyloidiasis depends on the area of ​​the lesion and is divided into several forms:

  1. Gastrointestinal. The patient develops gastritis, enteritis, enterocolitis, ulcer of duodenum or dyskinesia of bile ducts.
  2. Duodeno-cholelithiasis. This form is characterized by pain in the abdomen, eructation, bitterness in the mouth, a decrease in appetite.
  3. Nervously allergic. It manifests itself in the form of itching, hives, allergic dermatitis, sweating, muscle pain, arthralgia and headache.
  4. Pulmonary form. The respiratory system is affected. The patient has shortness of breath, cough, fever.
  5. Mixed. In this case, several symptoms from different forms may appear.

Strongyloidosis - Diagnosis

At an early stage, it is very difficult to detect nematodes. In order for the doctor to correctly diagnose, he will send you to a survey where you first need to pass not only the analysis of stool to strongyloidiasis, but also blood, urine, bile and sputum. After this, on the basis of nonspecific complaints and results, the doctor should pay attention to:

In order to correctly identify strongyloidiasis in the patient, the analysis is also given for koproovoscopy and duodenoscopy. This procedure allows you to detect eggs and larvae in the human body using the Bergman method. It is based on the movement of parasites to heat. If necessary, patients may be asked to check serological reactions (RIF and ELISA.)

Strongyloidosis - treatment

In a person who becomes sick with worms of nematodes, the treatment takes place only in a hospital under the supervision of qualified specialists. But even after discharge from hospital to full recovery, a therapy that takes a long time, perhaps several decades, is required. In special cases (for example, when a patient is at risk of disseminated infection), doctors recommend taking drugs even to those who do not have any symptoms.

2-3 weeks after the treatment of strongyloidosis was completed, patients need to remove toxic substances from the body and undergo a follow-up examination. It is carried out three times after a certain period of time. A person is put on dispensary records and is monitored for his health for at least a year. Analyzes will need to be taken once a month.

The preparation from the nematode

Strongyloidosis is treated with nemozol, albendazole , ivermectin and thiabendazole. They are taken twice a day for a week, and the dosage is 25 mg / kg. These drugs kill only adult worms, the larvae are not affected, which is why repeated therapy should be performed every 14 days. These medicines have a number of side effects, so they can be prescribed only by a doctor.

New in the treatment of strongyloidiasis

Medicine does not stand still and every day scientists create new antiparasitic drugs. If you have worms of nematodes, then you can help:

Strongyloidosis - treatment with folk remedies

Strongyloidosis parasites cause an infectious disease that can affect the internal organs, and lead to a fatal outcome. In this case, self-medication can not be done and if you have the first symptoms, it is better to immediately seek help from an experienced specialist, conduct a full examination of the body and, if necessary, go to hospital.

Strongyloidosis - prevention

People at risk are often interested in what constitutes strongyloidiasis, symptoms, treatment and prevention. The latter is aimed at finding and improving the infected areas of the environment and people. Depending on the profession, place of work (mines, colony, boarding schools, mental hospitals and so on) and the risk groups, you need to undergo a regular examination.

Strongyloidosis larvae are disinfected with steep boiling water with the addition of bleach. Still infected areas of the earth can be treated with a 10% solution of phosphate, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. Do not forget to follow the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands with soap, wash clothes with enzyme powder, do hot drying of things and do not go barefoot. strongyloidiasis aa symptoms treatment