Good manners

Why good manners? Obviously, it's all about wanting to impress. Since childhood, we are taught "good" habits, blamed for the bad, we have our own understanding of mannerisms. The idea of ​​what is good and what is bad for everyone is different. The positive or negative nature of the behavior, actions, situations, each person determines himself. Therefore, it is not necessary to generalize. The exception is the biblical commandments, of course. We will not talk about keeping your back or laughing out loud - it's ugly. We will discuss the rules of good manners for particular cases.

A family

With a beloved man you need to be affectionate, sincere, and most importantly feminine. Family life should not expose all your intimate moments. Therefore, when making a morning toilet, close the door to the bath (unless you are going to take a shower together). Get out dressed and neat. Do not forget that you set an example for your children.

Breakfast involves the moment when the whole family is assembled. Do not save time if you are a housewife and do not need to hurry to work. Let the husband take the children, while you are preparing delicious pancakes or fritters. Remember that a person with good manners during breakfast has a decent appearance. Be sure to follow your household.

Remove from the table and deal with the dishes better immediately. Accustom your family to cleanliness and order.

Spend your husband to work, "charging" him with a good mood. Methods, in this case, each have their own ...

Encourage your children to have good behavior. They should see in your example a "healthy" relationship between a man and a woman. Respect for each other, good humor, support, sharing of responsibilities - all this is very important for the happiness and future well-being of your child. The atmosphere that reigns at home plays an important role in the formation of a healthy psyche. Relations between spouses affect the physical health of children. So do not rush to treat colds with medications, work better on relationships with your husband.

Respect your parents. They gave you life, do not neglect their care and attention. Interrupting the elders is truly impolite. Learn to listen, even if you do not tolerate advice and moralizing. You can express your opinion and it is necessary, the main thing is to do it in the correct form and unobtrusively.


Good and bad manners will be noted by members of the work collective. Everyone will judge based on their own experience and views. For someone, your behavior with the authorities will be immoral (for example, an affair with the director), and someone will consider you an enterprising person. Excessive courtesy can play against you. You will earn the reputation of a weak-willed person, making attempts to curry favor with his superiors.

When changing a work place, when coming to a new collective, do not try to appear better than you are. Excessive finesse and unnaturalness of your behavior will be revealed in the future. Losing trust from colleagues is very easy. Be natural and self-confident. Do not get carried away with frank talk and gossip. Remember that around unfamiliar people. Unnecessary openness can be used against you. Better listen more and talk less. Find out for a start who and who represents whom, who can be trusted, and who does not.

You can learn good manners just like any art. Look at the historical films, the heroines of which fascinate with their grace and charm. The way they behave in the society of men is reserved and mysterious. A ringing and sincere laugh, a beautiful bearing, the ability to listen and not interrupt - learn femininity and courtesy.