Mantra of the fulfillment of desires

Mantra of love and fulfillment of desires is a syllable, word or verse possessing magical abilities to influence our consciousness. They also help to improve spiritually. Mantras also have the ability to attract not only the sources of spiritual development, but also material wealth. Practicing mantras in life can be cured of illnesses and draw luck, happiness and love into one's life.

All mantras for desire are pronounced in Sanskrit - one of the oldest languages, probably, that's why some consider them as prayers, while others are mysterious spells or even a chaotic set of letters. It will be more correct to call the mantra an ancient formula that carries a large energy charge.

The word "mantra" is derived from the merging of two words: "manas" or "mind", which means "thought" and the word "trai" denoting "protect" or "save."

A strong mantra for the fulfillment of desire is the universal mantra, which is pronounced as follows:


It not only contributes to the fulfillment of cherished desires , but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

It is only once to pronounce the mantra fulfilling the desire and the human body begins to be filled with special vibrations. At first you may not notice them, as they are drowned by extraneous thoughts, negative emotions, stress. But in the course of time, while continuing to practice the practice of reading mantras, you will feel how positive vibrations amplify, and all the negative factors disappear, resulting in your body tuning to one wave with the Energy of the Universe. After this happens, you become more harmonious, calm, relaxed, it is during this period that you can easily carry out everything you have conceived and get everything you dreamed about.

The main rule in the practice of reading mantras for desire is that you do not need to think about the meaning of the words you say or try to translate them somehow, the main thing is to just repeat them.

It is believed that if you repeat the mantra on a daily basis 108 times during 11 or 21 days, then you automatically adjust the vibrations of your body to the channel of universal well-being. Surely here you have thought about "How, it is possible to read mantras and count their number at the same time?". Here you do not need to invent anything, because everything you need has been invented before you. In order not to lose count from the esoteric stores are selling rosaries with 108 beads, sorting through which you are surely not going to get bogged down.

As another advice, you should not say that you do not need to use a large number of mantras at once, limit yourself to one or two. After your present problem is solved, you can move on to solving other problems with the help of other mantras.

Bija mantras fulfill their desires

Bija mantra are words or phrases from which all other mantras grow. Below, only a few examples of bij mantras are given.

  1. Hum. This mantra can be used to protect the mind and body from negative influences
  2. Haum. Such a mantra will help you overcome depression, dispel, sorrow, get rid of drowsiness and get a boost of energy for further achievements.
  3. Doom. A mantra that strengthens life energy and will.
  4. Aim. This mantra stimulates the development of intelligence, develops memory and perception.
  5. Brim. Improves concentration of mental powers, brings calmness, develops intuition, and also gives the ability to adapt quickly in any situation.

At first glance, a typical inhabitant, this may seem like a complete nonsense, because believing that the singing of some sounds can make us happy is really not easy. But it's not easy to use mantras for several thousand years, so it's worth trying.