Hooponopono - talking with money

The Hawaiian Hooponopono system was described in detail by the famous American writer Joe Vitale. He explains in detail how, through the right attitude toward oneself to the world, one can easily change one's reality. The system can be used for different purposes - for example, hooponopono for money. Consider how to use the technique in this regard.

Hooponopono - talking with money

The Hawaiian system is universal - it can be used to achieve personal harmony, and to improve your financial situation. Moreover, the technique itself is very flexible - you can come up with your own text referring to money, which would consist of four main phrases ("I love you, forgive me, I'm sorry, thank you!"), Or use any one already ready.

One of the options is attached to this article. It is very easy to use such an auxiliary video:

  1. Choose a time when no one will distract you and interfere with you (need only a few minutes, but every day or at least every other day).
  2. Conveniently arrange, so that you do not interfere.
  3. Turn on the video, relax, and mentally say to yourself the text that you see on the screen, trying to deeply feel it, pass through yourself.
  4. At the end of the video, sit for a while, dream, and only then go back to business.

Such a simple meditation with money on your hands will help you not only to develop the right attitude towards them, and thereby ensure their inflow into your life, but also calms your nervous system, helps you relax, relax and think about something pleasant.

Hooponopono - tools for cleaning money

Techniques Hooponopono and money, and personal life, and overall well-being help to improve not only through meditation, but also through various tools. They are incredibly simple and can be used in many situations. We will consider some of them:

  1. The tool "Orange juice" . For this exercise, you will only need your imagination and time. Relax, take a comfortable pose, and imagine how you pour orange juice into a glass. Then imagine how you put a large bill in the same glass. Orange juice will clear the money of all the negative that poured on them humanity, and money will seek to get to you to be cleansed by you. Dr. Lin argues that orange juice in this case symbolizes the divine rays of light that can purify anything. In addition, by putting mentally the money in orange juice, you take off your own grievances on them - for big bills, for lacking them in your wallet, for all the other sins.
  2. Sunflower tool . This tool is designed to erase those programs in our minds that block the cash flow. Use it fairly simply - say to yourself "sunflower, sunflower, sunflower ...". For reliability, you can print a photo of a sunflower and hang it near the workplace. Soon your financial condition will begin to change, you will be given many opportunities, using which, you will attract more money into your life.

The main thing in using these techniques is to believe in their effectiveness, because a person's faith can work miracles. As soon as you see the first results, you do not need to write them off for chance or coincidence - be sure, this is the work of the ancient Hawaiian practice of Hooponopono! Applying techniques regularly, rather than one-time, you will definitely achieve great results.