Treatment of apple trees in spring from diseases and pests - what are the most effective means?

Achieve an unmatched harvest will help the treatment of apple trees in the spring from diseases and pests. Manipulation is able to increase the volume and quality of the fruit when harvesting, to save the health of the tree for a long time. It is important not to miss this moment after the winter and to properly conduct all spring activities for caring for the apple tree.

Spring processing of apple-trees against pests and diseases

Like all fruit and berry crops apple tree requires attention, because it has many enemies. Processing of apple trees in the spring in the framework of pest and disease control is the general phase of tree care. After frost, parasites wake up under the bark, their larvae, spores of fungi and pathogenic microorganisms are activated, which must be destroyed. Common pests and diseases of apple trees:

  1. Powdery mildew is a whitish layering on the bark and foliage.
  2. Parsh - brownish layering on the fruits.
  3. Bacterial cancer - on the leaf plates, black rot.
  4. Aphids attack the young branches and leaves.
  5. Red tick - sucks the juice from the leaves.
  6. Copper - eats kidneys.
  7. Cvetoed - devours buds.
  8. Plodozherka - eats apples.

The treatment and spraying of apple trees in spring from diseases and pests includes four rounds:

  1. In the initial turn, trunks are smeared with whitewash, when the snow comes down. So you can end the spores and larvae that have wintered in the bark.
  2. Then the greenery and the soil are irrigated at the base of the tree:
  3. Before pecking the kidneys in the beginning or in the middle of March at a temperature of about + 4 ° C.
  4. At the time of appearance of the buds before their opening - from the last decade of March to the middle of April.
  5. After flowering for 2-3 weeks - around the end of May.

How to spray apples in the spring from pests?

For healing, many compounds are advised to use, they are important to alternate in order to achieve greater effect from the operation. Available remedy against pests of apple:

  1. Biocompounds (Trichodermine, Plenris, Bitoksibatsillin, Aktofit, Lepidotsid). They are able to use bacteria, viruses, microorganisms to fight problems. Biopreparations are effective at temperatures not below + 10 ° C, therefore they are not suitable for the first manipulation.
  2. Chemical powders ( carbamide , copper or iron vitriol) will completely cure the culture, but it is important to follow all the recommendations for dosing.
  3. Traditional methods (infusions of garlic, soda, pepper) are more sparing, they are advisable to apply with a small number of parasites or in the primary phase of illness.

Treatment of apple in the spring with ferrous vitriol

The multipurpose powder of iron vitriol not only helps to get rid of parasites, pathologies, lichens, prevent the appearance of chlorosis, but also saturates the plant with iron. This is the basic material for growth and generous fruiting. Treatment of apple trees with iron vitriol from pests and diseases is planned in the spring before opening the eyes. For irrigation it is necessary to mix a solution - 500 g of iron sulfate per 10 liters of water. For the greatest effect is to spray and the plant itself, and the soil around it.

Treatment of apple in the spring with copper sulfate

Everyone knows copper sulfate helps to cope with curly, phyllostic, scab, bacterial cancer, moniliosis, anthracnose. Spring processing of apple trees with copper vitriol from pests and diseases is made by a useful mixture - 100 g of component per 10 liters of water. To prevent fungal and other ailments, irrigation is planned before the buds are opened in the spring. To disinfect the soil around the fruit crops, you need to dilute 5 g of blue substance in 10 liters of water and water the radical space. For the treatment of trees, it is better to use freshly prepared underflow.

Treatment of apple trees in spring with Bordeaux liquid

In the garden, a "blue spraying" of the Bordeaux mixture is often done, which is an old proven fungicide. It helps the villagers to fight most fungal ailments. To prepare a 3% solution, take 300 g of copper sulfate and 300 g of quicklime. In isolated plastic containers, 1 liter of heated water and vitriol and 9 liters of water and lime are bred. When the blue crystals dissolve, the blue collodions of copper are poured into the resulting lime milk in a thin trickle. A 3% Bordeaux mixture lubricates the trunks and branches before opening the kidneys on the apple tree.

Re-healing with a 1% Bordeaux mixture is performed by pecking buds on trees in the garden and during the growing season. To prepare the preparation take 100 g of vitriol and 100 g of lime, diluted similarly to a 3% solution. Sprinkling of apples with a Bordeaux mixture is carried out by irrigation of the foliage on the tree. Such measures are important for the prevention of fungal diseases (scab, coccomicosis, moniliosis), leaf patches.

Treatment of apple in spring with urea

Carbamide (urea) helps effectively to cope with insects (aphids, coffin, leafworm), fungal diseases (moniliosis, scab, coccomicosis) and additionally saturate the soil and plant with nitrogen. For the treatment of apple trees in the spring, you need to prepare a solution of 700 g of urea per 10 liters of water. It is recommended for the initial stage of recovery. Multiply the effect of the mixture can be added to it 50 g of copper sulfate. Processing of apple ureas blooms of cultures brakes, thereby saving them from late frosts. The only nuance - the mixture can not be stored, must be applied immediately.