Contusion of the coccyx - treatment

Therapy of spinal injuries always takes a lot of time and effort, requires an integrated approach, a combination of medications and physiotherapy procedures. The contusion of the coccyx is no exception: the treatment is long-term, but this is necessary in order to avoid serious consequences, irregularities in the functioning of the internal organs and the brain.

Contusion of the sacrum and coccyx - treatment at home

In the first few days after the damage, it is important to observe a number of basic rules:

  1. For two days, apply cold compresses or ice containers to the coccyx.
  2. Observe the bed rest.
  3. Avoid prolonged sitting.
  4. Refuse to take hot baths and showers.
  5. Sleep on your stomach.
  6. Limit motor activity and sudden movements.

Treatment, apparently, is aimed at arresting the pain syndrome. Therefore, it is advisable to use warming and dry heat after cold compresses. In addition, for the comfort of the victim it is desirable to put something soft before sitting down, for example, a thick blanket or a small pillow. Pharmacies also have special orthopedic devices with a C-shaped or rounded shape for sitting.

A contusion of the coccyx presupposes treatment and medicinal anesthetics. The best non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen, Ibuprom, Nimesil , Paracetamol, Indomethacin. In some cases with a severe pain syndrome, injections of such medications are necessary.

Treatment of coccyx injury - ointment and suppositories

To ease the symptoms of injury, local medications are prescribed in the form of creams, gels, ointments and suppositories with both a cooling and heating effect. Among them, the most effective are:

Drugs should be applied very carefully and rubbed with light finger movements. Contusion of the coccyx excludes massage of any kind, since this procedure can only damage and aggravate the course of the disease.

When using candles, it is necessary to get a consultation with the proctologist and gastroenterologist, because the application of this form of medication sometimes has a negative effect on digestion and irritates the intestinal wall if there are problems with hemorrhoids and mucous membranes.

Contusion of coccyx - treatment with folk remedies

Recipes of alternative medicine are quite numerous, but only some of them are of good help. The most popular method is rubbing fresh wormwood juice into the damaged area. The product quickly anesthetizes and promotes resorption of the hematoma, removes puffiness.

Compresses from plantain leaves are also recommended. To perform them, you need to thoroughly wash the raw materials and rub it in your hands a little to make the juice stand out. Then the flesh is applied to the sore spot and covered with a gauze cut for 2-3 hours.

During the entire period of therapy, you should take warm sessile baths with the addition of chamomile broth. This procedure not only relaxes muscles and reduces pain, but also produces anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the development of putrefactive processes in the rectum and anal fissures.

Treatment of a coccyx injury will be much more effective if you add gymnastic exercises. As a rule, physiotherapy exercises after injuries of any kind are one of the most effective ways to rehabilitate muscles, joints and strengthen the general tone. In this case, it is quite enough simple exercises that are performed without the supervision of a specialist and do not take a lot of time.