Maxillac analogues

Maxillac belongs to the group of synbiotics, that is, the preparation contains both prebiotics and probiotics. Strictly speaking, Maksilak is not a medicine, but is considered a biologically active additive. The product contains 9 cultures of bacteria necessary for normal operation of the intestine, and is recommended to be taken if the balance of microflora in the digestive tract is disturbed, and also to prevent intestinal disorders.

The drug Maksilak is safe, has a minimum number of contraindications. But imported means are not available to everyone because of the price. The cost of packing with 10 capsules in pharmacy chains is $ 6 on average, which is why it is understandable that many patients wish to choose an analogue that costs less than Maxilak.

Cheap analogs of Maxilak

The list of analogues of the Maxilak product, which are cheaper, is quite significant. Consider the most popular of them.

Probiotic Bifidumbacterin

Bifidumbacterin, as well as Maksilak, is used to correct microflora. However, a cheap drug, like other probiotics of the 1 st generation, should be taken simultaneously with the sorbents. Packaging Bifidumbacterin, containing 10 capsules, costs 1.5 cu.

Bifidumbacketrin Forte

In contrast to Bifidumbacterin, the probiotic Bifidumbacterin Forte includes microparticles of activated carbon, a natural sorbent, along with bifidobacteria. The agent can be used even in severe forms of intestinal infection and dysbacteriosis. The effect of the drug is comparable to the effect of the use of antibiotics, but without side effects. The cost of the Bifidumbacketrin Forte box with a dozen bags of powder for breeding is 2 cu, the price of a blister with 10 capsules is 2.5 cu.

Probiotic Acipol

Specialists attribute Acipol to probiotics of the third generation. This group of drugs contains several strains of bacteria. This explains the high efficiency of the tool. To strengthen the action in Acipol also added kefir fungus. The drug is used for acute intestinal infections of moderate severity or as part of complex therapy for severe forms of gastrointestinal disorders. Acipol is produced in the form of tablets, capsules and lyophilizate. The price of a box with 30 capsules is about 4 - 4.5 cu.

For your information! Currently, there are no synonyms containing components, like Maxilak's. That is why, if the doctor insists on the use of this drug, it is worth following his recommendations, especially with obvious signs of dysbiosis .