Is succinic acid a panacea or a placebo effect?

Amber acid is a natural compound that exists in the body of every human being and can be extracted industrially from amber. Pharmaceutical companies produce tablets based on this substance, the use of which is becoming more popular. We will find out why, how to use them, and how useful this is.

Amber acid - health benefits and harm

It is established that the substance in question is synthesized in our body and is an integral part of many processes in tissues. Under normal conditions, this organic acid is produced independently in the proper amount. In addition, it comes with food: the greatest content is noted in sour-milk products, sunflower seeds, gooseberries, grapes, seafood, etc. The peculiarity of this compound is that the organism can not accumulate it for future use, but consumes it for current processes.

Succinic acid, the benefit and harm of which continues to be studied, is often compared with coenzyme Q10 - a substance known for its ability to rejuvenate, increase vitality and body resistance. According to the researchers, an additional intake of amber extracted from amber helps to cope more easily with many pathologies and overcome various negative effects. In this case, as in the cases with other drugs, there is also "the reverse side of the coin" - sometimes the substance is capable of harm.

Why is succinic acid useful?

Amber organic acid is involved in metabolic reactions, it is necessary to provide cellular respiration, ion transport, protein synthesis, intracellular energy production. Its function is to neutralize the free radicals formed in the tissues (aggressive agents acting as aging factors) and increase the rate of decomposition of toxic substances that come from outside or are produced inside the body.

For a healthy person who leads a measured lifestyle, in most cases, the amount of succinic acid that is available in the body is sufficient to support all necessary processes. With increasing stress on any internal system associated with stress, increased physical activity, mental fatigue, diseases, etc., support for its work is largely due to succinic acid. In such cases, if succinic acid is additionally taken, its usefulness is related to the following effects:

Succinic acid - harm

Given the foregoing, it may appear that the substance in question is a panacea that can solve all the health problems and prevent the development of many ailments. This is not quite true, and besides, for a healthy person its use will be meaningless: succinic acid does not accumulate and is used by the body only as necessary. To some people, succinic acid, whose properties, like other acids, are associated with irritating effects on mucous membranes, can be harmful.

Uncontrolled internal use of acid obtained from amber, without the appointment of a doctor and without taking into account contraindications, can bring negative consequences. It is worth noting that some experts in the field of medicine consider it exaggerated its positive effect on a person, explaining this by the placebo effect. In fact, amber acid preparations do not have sufficient evidence base, therefore they are referred to as dietary supplements, not medicines.

Succinic acid - indications for use

Internal reception of tablets with succinic acid is justified and recommended in such cases:

In addition, amber acid readings are for external use - in the field of cosmetology. So, it is applied to the skin of the face with the aim:

How correctly to take succinic acid?

Depending on the existing health problems, for the solution of which succinic acid is recommended, its application may be different. A general scheme has been developed, which is recommended, mainly, with weakening of immunity, overwork, increased psychoemotional stresses. In such cases succinic acid in the form of tablets is taken by 1 unit (0.5 g) three times a day for a month. The product should be consumed during or after a meal with a sufficient amount of liquid.

Amber acid for weight loss

Those who have problems with being overweight, are interested in how to take succinic acid for weight loss. This tool effectively contributes to the removal of fat deposits, provided that the diet and sufficient physical activity due to the acceleration of metabolic processes. There are several known ways to take succinic acid with increased body weight. The most effective is a daily three-time intake of 3 tablets for two weeks, followed by a weekly break and a repetition of the course.

Amber acid with a hangover

A large amount of alcohol consumed in the evening inevitably causes a morning hangover, associated with intoxication of the body due to the formation of products of the decomposition of ethanol in the liver. To quickly overcome unpleasant symptoms, you should know how to take succinic acid in tablets in such a case. It is recommended after awakening to use 5-6 tablets of the drug, taking in the amount of 1 pc. every hour and washing down with a lot of water.

Succinic acid for the face

Amber acid in cosmetology is used for a long time, supplementing the compositions of masks, serums, tonics, creams, and peeling agents. Excellent succinic acid for the skin, prone to inflammation, lost tonus, which has wrinkles. To enrich your own make-up cosmetics with this useful compound, a succinic acid crushed into powder, the dosage of which is 1 g, is added to 100 ml of the agent. The resulting mixture is used in a conventional manner.

Mask with succinic acid cleansing - recipe


Preparation and use:

  1. Crush the drug into powder.
  2. Dilute with water to a gruel-like condition.
  3. Apply to the skin.
  4. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Nourishing mask - recipe


Preparation and use:

  1. Rastolchennye tablets mixed with oil.
  2. Apply to face.
  3. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Amber acid for hair

Preparations of succinic acid for oral administration contribute to the improvement of the condition of the head of hear, accelerate the growth of hair . Supplement the reception of tablets (according to the general scheme) can be an external application for rinsing hair after washing with shampoo and applying balm. For this, half a liter of warm boiled water requires dissolving 3-4 tablets, previously shredded.

Amber acid in sports

It is often used succinic acid in bodybuilding for rapid muscle recovery after intense training, extreme stress. The drug contributes to the improvement of the heart, prevents apathy and exhaustion. To maintain the regulatory mechanisms of the body should take a means of coursework - 5 tablets per day for a month, taking breaks for a couple of days every 5 days.

Amber acid - side effects

Succinic acid (tablets) in case of exceeding the dosage and ignoring the restrictions for internal administration can cause such negative consequences:

Succinic acid - contraindications

Tablets of succinic acid, the use of which must necessarily be agreed with the doctor, have such contraindications: