Increased sugar in the blood - what to do?

If symptoms of hyperglycemia or suspected development of type 1 and type 2 diabetes are prescribed by laboratory tests. As a rule, as a result, it turns out that the patient has elevated blood sugar - what to do in such a situation and how to normalize the concentration of glucose is recommended by the attending physician after the examination. But there is also a general scheme of therapeutic measures, some of them can be carried out independently.

Slightly elevated blood sugar - what to do to stop the growth of its concentration?

If the glucose level does not exceed 5.5 mmol / l, it is too early to talk about hyperglycemia, since this is a slight increase in sugar. But it is worth taking some measures to prevent the development of this condition:

  1. Constantly monitor the concentration of glucose, it is desirable to purchase a portable glucometer .
  2. Normalize the regime of the day, the ratio of time of work and rest.
  3. Avoid physical and mental overloads, stress.
  4. Daily exercise or exercises performed by a doctor.
  5. Control weight.
  6. Pay attention to the composition of food, the content of glucose in them and digestible carbohydrates.

It is also worth regularly visiting a doctor to be able to assess the effectiveness of the measures taken.

A significantly elevated blood sugar level was detected - what should I do to reduce it?

Significant hyperglycemia requires additional studies, especially the functions of the pancreas responsible for the production of insulin. As a rule, a strong increase in blood sugar indicates a pre-diabetic syndrome or the development of diabetes.

In such cases, it is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication, any drugs, including insulin-containing drugs, must be prescribed by an endocrinologist.

Increased blood sugar - what to do at home?

Independently you can help yourself, observing a diet that excludes from the diet products with a high glycemic index .

Meal Plan:

  1. Balance the combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (16, 24 and 60% respectively). At the same time, about 2/3 of the fat should fall on vegetable oil.
  2. To adhere to frequent and fractional reception of food, ideally - 6 times a day in small portions.
  3. Control the amount of calories consumed, especially if you have excess weight.
  4. Observe the recommended daily allowance for liquid.
  5. Avoid foods rich in sugar, alcohol, fatty meat and dairy products, baked pastry, fatty, smoked dishes.
  6. Prefer foods with a low glycemic index containing plant fiber.