Complications of myocardial infarction

A heart attack is a common cause of sudden death, but with the timely provision of qualified medical assistance, death can be avoided. Nevertheless, the patient is trapped by another danger - complications of myocardial infarction. Difficulties in their prevention consist in the fact that there are quite a few consequences, they arise spontaneously and can appear at any time after an attack.

Early complications after myocardial infarction

The first hours since the beginning of the pathology are considered the most dangerous, since at this stage the risk of irreversible changes in the heart is very high. Also, early complications appear throughout the next 3-4 days. These include the following diseases and conditions:

Late complications of acute myocardial infarction

At 2-3 weeks with adequate therapy, the patient feels much better and the therapeutic regimen expands. The described stage is sometimes accompanied by such consequences:

Treatment of complications of myocardial infarction

Apparently, there are a lot of dangerous consequences of a heart attack, and they affect not only different areas of the cardiovascular system, but also other organs. Many of the complications are ways to lead to irreversible changes in the functioning of the body and even death. Therefore, the therapy of such diseases and conditions is carried out only in a hospital in the cardiology department under the supervision of specialists.