The fingers on the left hand

Feeling when the fingers are numb on the left or right hand is familiar to everyone. Usually loss of sensitivity occurs when the nerve is trapped due to the inconvenient position of the limb during sleep or when carrying massive objects. The feeling of numbness thus experienced, as a rule, passes in a few minutes and does not pose a threat to health. Another thing is when the fingers are systematically numb for no apparent reason. Especially dangerous is the loss of sensitivity of the fingers of the left hand, since this manifestation can precede the stroke.

Why are the fingers on the left arm numb?

There are several reasons for the numbness of the fingers of the left hand. Let's consider the main ones.

Osteocondritis of the spine

The most common cause of impaired sensitivity of the fingers is osteochondrosis. Deformed as a result of the disease, the spinal discs press on the nerve endings leading to the extremities. As experts mark, at an osteochondrosis fingers of one of hands most often suffer. The index finger of the left arm grows numb with osteochondrosis due to the infringement of the spinal nerve passing through the cervicothoracic spine.

Raynaud's disease

Violations in the limb in the form of seizures can be a sign of pathological changes in the blood supply of the hand. The disease has a hereditary character or arises in people of certain professions, for example, in pianists or typewriters on the computer, that is, those who for a long time perform the same type of movement with a brush and fingers.

Inflammation of the ulnar nerve

The unnamed finger and little finger grow numb and stop bending when pinching and subsequent inflammation of the ulnar nerve. If the radial nerve is affected, the pain becomes more unbearable when the fingers are flexed.

Vitamin deficiency

Often, the reason for the dumbness of the middle finger on the left arm (however, on the right one too) is the lack of vitamins A and B. Since the sensation usually occurs during the cold season, it is sometimes confused with banal hypothermia. In order to differentiate the conditions, it must be remembered that when the frostbite changes the color of the skin.

Cardiovascular diseases

The thumb on the left arm grows dumb with serious diseases of the cardiovascular system. If numbness occurs during sleep, it is worth consulting with a cardiologist, since a repeated condition can signal a developing cardiac pathology and be a sign:

Endocrine disorders

Diseases of the endocrine system, mainly diabetes, also cause a decrease in the sensitivity of the fingers, muscle weakness and tingling sensation or "crawling" at the fingertips.

Atherosclerotic changes

If the thumb of the left arm grows dumb, the cause may be atherosclerosis. As a result of a decrease in the elasticity of the walls of the vessels and the narrowing of the vascular gaps, the supply of tissues with blood deteriorates and a feeling of numbness arises.

Traumatic impact

Numbness can be a consequence of physical trauma. To prevent the development of serious complications, it is important to follow all the doctor's recommendations during treatment and rehabilitation after getting injured.

Obliterating endarteritis

As a result of constant hypothermia of the hands, severe vascular disease can occur - obliterating endarteritis . Infringement of blood supply leads to the development of irreversible gangrenous processes, and as a result, can become an indication for amputation of the affected limb.