Your child's safety is a consultation for parents

For each parent, his child is the subject of tireless cares and worries. In pre-school and even partially at school age, the child is not always aware of possible threats, both from the environment, and those that come from other people. Sometimes he even realizes that something bad can happen, but he does not care about it. Therefore, consultation for parents about the safety of your child will be superfluous even for the most caring mothers and dads.

How to protect the baby from "household" dangers?

At home, your child usually spends the most time, so many injuries or accidents often occur in the private sector or apartment. This is because you are often distracted in everyday life and relax. After all, it seems that the child is nearby and with him, obviously nothing can happen. However, the children are very curious, and the tragedy can happen instantly.

From this consultation for parents regarding the safety of the child at home, you will learn a lot of useful things:

  1. Children of preschool age should be strictly forbidden to use matches, gas stove, stove, touch the sockets or the included electrical appliances. Schoolchildren older than 7-8 years can gradually learn to properly handle these items, as well as a knife, scissors and a needle. Until then, access to all potentially dangerous things and places should be excluded for the child.
  2. Put poisonous and toxic substances in the lockable closets: food acids, medicines, household chemicals, alcohol, cigarettes.
  3. Particular attention to the safety of children in everyday life during counseling for parents is given if your child is not yet attending school. Do not leave kids of this age alone for long periods without adult supervision. And even if it is necessary to leave, explain that the son or daughter should not open the door to strangers.
  4. Place toys at a height that does not exceed the height of the child: if you try to get them from the upper shelves of the cabinet, they may get injured.

A memo on the safety of children in the summer

When the warm season comes, your child will spend much more time on the street. He can walk alone or ride with you to out-of-town picnics, the beach, etc. Therefore, the risk of injury or accident increases many times. To avoid this, check out the parenting guide for children's safety in the summer:

  1. Explain to the child that he should bathe in the sea or river only when accompanied by adults. Make sure that the child understands the danger of jumping into water, in places not intended for it, independent swiming to great depths, noisy games in the water with comic attempts to drown each other.
  2. Tell the child about poisonous plants and mushrooms that can be found in the forest, in the meadow or in the field. This should be dedicated to a separate consultation for parents, since the safety of children in this case is solely the care of parents who should explain to the offspring that it is fraught with poisoning to taste the taste that they like.
  3. If the baby is lost, he should stay in place and shout as loud as possible: then mom and dad will find it much faster. Tell the child that panic will not only turn out to be inappropriate, but also make it difficult to find it.

Advice on child safety in city streets

In a city it is very unsafe, and all adults know about it. If a son or daughter asks you to let them go for a walk with friends on the street, remind them again what to do:

  1. Let go of the child only with people you know and warn him that a good-natured uncle or aunt offering to look at a kitten or treat him with candy is likely to plan something unkind and can not go with them. It is desirable that the child accurately explained to you the route of his walk, which should not pass through the forest, park or other almost deserted and poorly lit places.
  2. Check how well the kid knows the rules of the road, especially if there are busy highways near your house.
  3. Do not put on the child expensive jewelry: they can attract the attention of the criminal. Explain to him that demonstrating expensive things like a mobile or a large amount of money can bring him trouble.
  4. Noisy bully companies, especially if they drink alcoholic beverages, it is better to bypass. Make sure that your child understands this.