Badan - cultivation and care

Badan (or bergenia) is an evergreen perennial plant of the family of saxifrage, which has about 10 species in its genus. In the early spring, as soon as the snow comes and the warm sun begins to warm the earth, among the powerful cabbage-leaf leaves there are inflorescences that can reach heights from 20 to 60 cm. Its flowers are like a bell, assembled into thyroid inflorescences, may be white, pink, scarlet, purple or dark-lilac color. Flowering of badana begins in late April or early May and continues to please its beauty until the end of June. In the autumn, the leaves of the plant, accumulating nutrients for the winter, begin to change color to a bright bronze or sirenyato-brown shade, which persists until next spring.

Propagation and transplantation of badan

This ornamental plant multiplies by seeds and cuttings.

The people know the fact that multiplying by seeds is a fairly long process, which does not always give positive results. But nevertheless, many gardeners resort to this method. Sow the seeds of the oil in early March in a box with prepared soil. After about 3 weeks, the first shoots will appear, and in early June they must be planted in a permanent place. For the winter, young seedlings should be covered with a layer of dry leaves or straw. Since seedlings develop very slowly, the first flowering should not be expected earlier than 2 years after planting.

For the propagation of badana cuttings, it is necessary to cut off part of the above-ground creeping rhizomes. Cuttings, 10-20 cm long, should have at least 3 mature buds. Then they should be planted in the soil to a depth of not more than 2 cm and at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other. Badan should take root before the onset of frost, so the procedure of cuttings propagation is recommended to be carried out immediately after flowering in the period from May to August.

As for the transplantation of the badan, every 5-6 years in the beginning of September it is necessary to make a division of the bush. And after the plant is planted in the ground, in the first 2-3 weeks he needs abundant watering.

Badan - cultivation and care

For the cultivation of badana, absolutely any soil, even the poorest and heaviest, is suitable, but the best place to plant is in the penumbra. The impact on the plant of direct sunlight or, conversely, too shady terrain can be the reason why the color of the bean is not.

It should be noted that bahan is a fairly unpretentious plant, therefore, caring for it is quite simple. Experienced gardeners recommend in the fall to remove from the bush dry inflorescences, and in early spring trim the overwintered leaves. When the plant ceases to bloom it is desirable to feed it with complex mineral fertilizer. It is also important to remember that the roots of the hood are very close to the surface of the earth, so you should not allow both overmoistening of the soil and its drying out. In winter, the plant does not need watering, and in the spring, in order for the plant to grow faster, the bean is poured with warm water.

Badan and its application

In addition to decorative use, the bahan is widely used in medicine, thanks to its medicinal properties . This plant contains tannins, glycosides, sugar, vitamin C , iron, phytoncides, copper and manganese. Drugs based on badan have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, diuretic, and healing properties. Therefore, Badan is used in the treatment of many diseases.

In addition, the leaves, which are blackened after winter, are collected, thoroughly washed, dried and used as a tea substitute. This aromatic and healing drink perfectly tones up, improves metabolism, and also helps to remove slags from the body.