Why do not buds blossom in roses?

The recognized queen of the garden - rose - must admire from year to year the magnificence of luxurious flowering. And how unpleasant and insulting after work and effort, when the buds of roses are poorly blossomed or not revealed at all. So, we are talking about the causes of this phenomenon and the ways to combat it.

Why do not buds blossom in roses?

The main reasons why one of the most popular garden flowers does not open buds, can be:

  1. Stay in the shade. Due to lack of sunlight, rose buds appear, but in the end they do not please full bloom. In this case, the petals may begin to burn.
  2. Lack of moisture, especially in sultry weather. If the sun is mercilessly scorching, and the forgetful gardener did not water enough time in time, the rosebuds, burned, dry up and never blossom.
  3. The pest . Such insects as thrips and leaf-blocks affect leaves and tender buds, as a result of which the latter are deformed and fade.

The buds of roses do not dissolve - what should I do?

To achieve full flowering, roses are important in time and abundantly watered. Note that for each bush in hot weather, you need up to 10 liters of water. However, it is important not to overdo it with moisture - its excessive amount is also dangerous for the queen of the garden. If the bush is located in a shady place, if possible, transplant it to a new, well-lit area.

If you find small bright green insects - leblobshek - will need treatment with an insecticide. An excellent effect with this pest is demonstrated by Fenitrothion, Actellik, Prestige.

In addition, in the arsenal of what can be done to make the buds of roses blossom, they systematically treat the ground portion of the bush with complex fertilizers for ornamental flowering plants. Spraying should be carried out every two to three weeks in dry and windless weather.