Salicylic peeling

In cosmetology has long been actively used salicylic peeling, which makes the skin smooth and very soft. This purification is characterized by the fact that the upper epidermis does not peel off, but simply dissolves.

Feature Procedure

Chemical peeling with salicylic acid is the application of a liquid solution to the skin, which practically destroys its surface keratinized layer. It perfectly aligns the skin's relief, eliminates pigmentation, fine wrinkles and improves complexion . If you do not want to use surgical methods of rejuvenation, then this option will suit you best.

This procedure is done with the help of salicylic acid, which penetrates the skin quite well and quickly and causes very active peeling in the hair follicles themselves. The acid quickly softens and loosens the stratum corneum, which must be removed. After several layers of skin cells peeled, a softer and more even skin appears soon in its place. Thanks to this procedure, collagen and elastin are actively being developed, responsible for the formation of new cells.

Peeling with salicylic acid is a rather aggressive method of cleansing and rejuvenating a person who should not be abused. The recommended course for facial skin and decollete zone varies from 5 to 7 procedures with an interval of two weeks. The amount depends on how problematic the skin is.

Types of salicylic face peeling

Depending on the acid concentration and the desired result, two types of this cleansing procedure can be distinguished:

In the first case, a small amount of acid is used, about 15-20%. This kind is most often used for young skin or oily and problematic, for example, with acne and comedones.

The second option is more aggressive and is used for leveling the skin relief, removing facial wrinkles. Here the concentration is increased to 30%.

Who recommends salicylic chemical peeling?

Cosmetologists are strongly advised to conduct such a course for people with the following problems:

Contraindications to salicylic peeling

Precisely because this is a rather aggressive type of purification, it is not recommended for those people who have a place:

Also, peeling on the basis of salicylic acid during pregnancy and during lactation is contra-indicated.

If your skin is hypersensitive, then such a procedure can only harm her, so you should refuse such a cleaning.

The quality of the procedure and health can be affected by the simultaneous administration of glycemic drugs.

It is worth saying that such cleansing procedures can not be done during the period of solar activity. It is best to do a course in autumn or winter, when the sun is not so aggressive.

How to prepare for the procedure?

To peel your skin should be prepared in advance. Two weeks before the trip to the beautician, you need to stop visiting the sauna, swimming pool, as well as a solarium. In this period of time, you should try to be as little as possible under the influence of sunlight and stop using scrubs. An excellent option will be the use of a series of creams that will prepare the skin for facial peeling with salicylic acid. Thus, for the skin, this procedure will not become stress.