How to remove a tumor from the face?

About the face, almost all representatives of the fair sex are taken with special trepidation and tenderness. Sometimes they have to think about how to remove the swelling from the face. Causes of swelling and swelling can various factors: malnutrition, excessive fluid intake, alcohol, mechanical damage, hormonal disruptions. Fortunately, there are recipes that, in most cases, help quickly and effectively.

How can I quickly remove the swelling from my face?

  1. The simplest remedy that helps remove the swelling from your face is a compress of tea. For the procedure are suitable and regular tea bags, but it is better to use cotton swabs soaked in brewing.
  2. A mask from the root of parsley - that's how you can remove the swelling from your face after tears. The main ingredient is rubbed on a fine grater. In it tea tea is added (in the ratio 1: 1). The product is applied with a thin layer on the entire face skin, including the lower eyelids.
  3. Remove the light swelling will help wipe the juniper oil .
  4. Than it is possible to remove a tumor from a bruise on the face - coffee ice. It's easy to prepare: brew a strong drink, pour it into molds and freeze. A fragrant, cool remedy to the maximum eliminates swelling and tones the skin.
  5. Tumescence, resulting from age-related changes or allergies, it is better to clean chamomile or mint ice - frozen herbal decoction.
  6. Potatoes - that's what you can remove the swelling on your face even with a burn . Mask from the root often works better than special ointments. To cook it, grate the potatoes and spread them over the skin. After half an hour, flush the product gently.

It is important to understand that any of the above recipes is suitable for rapid elimination of swelling and swelling. But that the problem no longer disturbs, it is necessary to work on the reason for its appearance.