Folk Remedies for Pigmented Spots on the Face

Pigmented spots are an unpleasant cosmetic defect. But, in addition to the fact that they greatly spoil the appearance of a woman, the skin on the site of their formation becomes rough, dry and more prone to forming deep wrinkles. To eliminate them, you can take a course of treatment in the salons, and you can use effective folk remedies for pigmented spots on the face.

Masks for the removal of age spots on the face

If you want to remove pigment spots on your face with folk remedies, then it's best to use a variety of whitening masks . They need to be applied to the skin for about 25 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. The most effective masks are:

  1. Lemon - mix the juice of a ripe lemon with natural honey (1 to 1).
  2. Egg - 1 egg whites mixed with 20 ml of lemon, 15 g of sugar and 150 ml of water.
  3. Sour cream - 50 g of sour cream (fatty) mixed with 50 ml of lemon.
  4. Lemon yeast - 25 g yeast (dry) mixed with 20 ml of milk (it is best to take the product fat content more than 2%) and add 10 ml of lemon juice.

Also good to whiten and tighten the skin of the mask of berries:

To make them, you need to stretch a few berries (fresh) and apply them for about 25 minutes. Such folk remedies for treating pigment spots on the face should be used by a course, the duration of which should be at least 2 weeks.

Other methods of removing pigment spots on the face

In the fight against pigment spots on the face, you can use other folk remedies. With such a cosmetic problem, yogurt works well. With it you need to make medicinal lotions. For this, curdled milk is applied to cheesecloth or cotton cloth and applied to the face for 20 minutes on the entire face. To enhance the effect, add the usual wine vinegar to the curd.

Remove the pigment spots will help the juice of parsley. To make this bleaching agent, you need to chop parsley (very finely), pour boiling water and insist. When the mixture has cooled, draw it and wipe the pigmented areas several times a day with the resulting solution.

To quickly and easily get rid of pigment spots on the face, you can use and such folk recipes:

  1. Rub on a very small grater cucumber (fresh) and apply all the gruel for 15 minutes on problem areas.
  2. Mix 30 g of cottage cheese, 15 drops of peroxide and 15 drops of ammonia, all this is applied to the face for 10 minutes.
  3. Add 5 g of soda, a few drops of peroxide and 5 g of talc to cosmetic clay, apply on face for 20 minutes.
  4. Excellent bleaching pigmented areas of ordinary kefir. They need to wipe their face every day.