How to freeze a melon for the winter?

Frozen - a great way to save for the winter a piece of summer in the form of blanks of fruits and vegetables. If you do this correctly, you can not only keep the maximum taste, but also useful properties. Most often, the berries are subjected to frost. And now we'll tell you whether it's possible to freeze a melon.

How to properly freeze a melon in the freezer for the winter?

When melons are frozen, the quality of the finished product is affected by the speed of the freezing process, the degree of maturity and the grade of melon. Better than others for this fit fruits fully ripened, with a lot of pulp.

I wash my melon, clean it from seeds and peel and cut into cubes with a side of 4 cm. You can immediately put them in a bag and send them to the freezer. But in this case, it must necessarily be a portioned sachets, so that in winter it is not necessary to try to separate the desired amount of the product from the total mass.

It is more convenient to freeze the melon immediately with small pieces separately. To do this, put a plastic bag or food film on the dish, then lay out pieces of melon in one layer and send them to a quick freeze. When they are fully fumed, they can be poured into a container or bag.

Frozen melon in sugar syrup - recipe

Cut the cubed melon pulp into a container and fill it with syrup , cooked from water and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio, and then cooled. Melon, frozen in sugar syrup, does not lose shape when defrosting.

Melon frozen for the winter in powdered sugar - recipe

We cover the necessary container with a food film, lay melon slices on it with layers and pour them abundantly with powdered sugar. Instead of powder, you can also use ordinary granulated sugar.

How to freeze a melon for the winter in the form of mashed potatoes?

Flesh the ripe juicy melon in a blender. The resulting mashed potatoes are laid out on small containers or bags with a clasp on top. If the melon is not very sweet, then whipping can add sugar to taste.

How to freeze a halved melon for the winter?

Among other things, melons can be frozen and not slices, and for example, a whole half can be stored in the winter by freezing. To do this, melon must be cut in half and cleanse the seeds. Peel while cleaning is not necessary. For such a case, the best varieties are Gulyabi and Kolhoznitsa. Then we put the halves in polyethylene food bags and clean them right away in the freezer. Successful blanks!