Refueling for cabbage soup for winter - recipes

Vegetable dressing for cabbage for the winter can be useful to the hostess in different situations, rescuing it at any time: if there is no time for cooking, or there are no necessary vegetables at hand, etc. To cook delicious soup using such a preparation, even a teenager can, because you only need to cook potatoes and throw the contents of the jar to it.

Refueling for cabbage for the winter from a tomato



Tomatoes are rinsed and cut into slices. Sweet pepper is processed, shredded slices and we twist the vegetables through a meat grinder. We pour the contents into a large saucepan and send the dishes to a small fire. After boiling, gently remove the foam from the surface, season with spices and lightly boil, stirring. After 15 minutes, we check the sauce for density and pour on sterile little jars. Immediately tighten the lids, turn over and leave the preservation to cool, wrapped in a warm jacket. A ready tomato dressing for the winter without cabbage can be added to soup, borsch, soups, various sauces, gravies and stew.

Refueling for cabbage soup for the winter



Onions are cleaned, washed, shredded in half rings and put into a deep saucepan. Pepper is processed, we remove all seeds and cut into thin strips. Carrots are cleaned and grated on a grater, and cut cabbage strips. Tomatoes cut into slices and put all vegetables in a large saucepan.

Now we make a dressing, mixing the water with salt, throwing sugar, bay leaves and pouring vinegar. Next, pour half the dressing to the vegetables, add the oil and mix well. Cover the pan with a lid and cook after boiling for 30 minutes. Next, we enter the remaining filling, cover with a lid and cook for half an hour. After that, we spread the mass over the sterilized jars and roll up the lids. After cooling we rearrange the refueling for soups and cabbage soup for the winter in the cellar.

Recipes for a cabbage for winter



Before we prepare the refueling for the cabbage for the winter, we prepare all the ingredients. Fresh parsley greens and minced with a knife. Carrot cleaned with a knife and rubbed on a grater. Sweet pepper, stalk of celery and tomatoes are processed and shredded medium cubes. Then we spread all the products in a large bowl, savor the fine salt and mix it well. In this condition we can stand vegetables for 25 minutes at room temperature, and then put it on the stove and bring the contents to a boil. We weld the dressing for 10 minutes and at the very end we introduce the table vinegar. It is he who will give the preparation a unique taste and aroma, and also keep it throughout the winter. After that, pour the hot mass into jars, cover them with lids and sterilize for 25 minutes. Further, we roll up the preservation and, after cooling, store such a product in the cellar.

Dressing for cabbage soup with beans for the winter



So, the beans thoroughly washed and poured for 6 hours with water, so that the beans swelled. Then the liquid is drained, poured with fresh water, poured and boiled until soft. All vegetables are processed and finely chopped. We send them to a saucepan, salt, sugar and introduce vegetable oil. Cover the dishes with a lid and cook the contents for about an hour on a small fire. Next, lay out the beans, mix, weigh for 10 minutes and lay out the dressing for the banks. After that we roll them, we cool and store them in the cellar.