Plums in own juice

Variety of blanks for the winter can turn a head to any mistress and the next recipe in your piggy bank will become plums in own juice. Natural and useful preservation from plums can serve as a separate addition to tea, and addition to baking and desserts.

The recipe for plum in its own juice

All that we need to prepare the sinks in our own juice is, in fact, the plums themselves. We take slightly hard, undersized fruit and carefully wash it and sort it out, after which we leave it completely dry. To extract or not to extract bones is a matter of your own choice, one way or another, the fruits should be placed in clean dry jars for preservation.

In a wide saucepan, heat the water and cover the bottom with a towel (so that the jars do not crack during pasteurization). Cover the jars with lids and put in boiling water for 15-20 minutes (1 liter jar), after which immediately roll up the lid. The amount of plums in the pot after the heat treatment will decrease, but you do not need to add fresh fruits.

Turned cans are turned upside down, wrapped in a warm blanket and leave to cool for a day. We store plums in a cool place until necessary.

The recipe for yellow plums in its own juice

To do this, the preselected, washed and dried plums must be separated from the bones. 70% of all fruits should be densely packed in cans, and the remaining 30% can be passed through a meat grinder and squeezed juice, or use a juicer for this purpose. The resulting juice from the sinks must be insisted and filtered, and then boiled and poured over the jars.

We cover the jars with lids and set them for sterilization in a pan with water (temperature - 70 degrees). Sterilize the liter cans for 15 minutes, then roll up the lids and leave the jars to cool under the blanket, putting them upside down.

We liked the recipes of plum blanks, then we recommend to make another remarkable preservation for the winter - tomatoes in our own juice .