Physalis - recipes

Below we describe some interesting and accessible recipes for physalis, which you can easily implement with your own hands.

Caviar from physalis for the winter - recipe

Not having a pronounced taste in fresh form, after cooking, the vegetable physalis acquires a pleasant taste, albeit slightly specific, and fits well with the usual set of vegetables: carrots, onions, tomatoes, which makes it an excellent basis for vegetable caviar.



Before the preparation of the fizalis, it is necessary to undergo preliminary preparation. Purified physalis is lowered into boiling water and blanched for a couple of minutes. Such a simple trick helps to rid the fruits of wax plaque and remove bitterness. The discussed fruits are divided in half and begin to prepare a standard onion-carrot paste. As soon as the chopped vegetables reach the preheated oil in preheated oil, they are added with pieces of physalis, tomato paste, and also a generous pinch of salt and sugar. Caviar is stewed for about 20 minutes, and then laid out on a previously sterilized container and rolled up.

Salted vegetable physalis - recipe



Preparation begins with blanching the physalis itself. Blanched fruits are dried, and in the meantime, a brine solution is prepared for pouring. For its preparation, water is brought to a boil with salt (at a rate of 50 g per liter). Laurel, horseradish, chives and laurel leaves are laid out on clean cans. In the banks tightly put the prepared fruit physalis and fill them with a solution of salt. Banks with fizalis left for a day, then drain the liquid, re-boil it and again pour into the banks, and then roll.

Gem from physalis - recipe

If a vegetable grade of physalis is allowed for cooking unsweetened spins, dessert (earthy) fruits are used in the preparation of jam, jams and candied fruits.



Blanch the physalis for about 2-3 minutes, and while the fruits are in boiling water, prepare a strong sugar syrup, boiling the remaining pair of ingredients from the list together. When the syrup is ready, they are injected with physalis and leave the fruit for 6-8 hours. After insisting, the jam is repeatedly brought to a boil, cooled for a similar period of time and repeated the procedure again.

Ready jam is poured over sterile jars and rolled with scalded lids.

Physalis sun dried - recipe

The dried fruit of the physalis has a very pleasant taste, a pronounced sweetness and a not too dense texture. Like other dried fruits, physalis, prepared by drying, is used for baking, compotes or eaten as a separate snack.

You can dry the fruits in the sun, or in an oven or a special dryer. In the first case, the cleansed physalis is simply laid out in one row, in the second - left at 60-70 degrees, with the door slightly opened, and in the third - it is dried in special containers for half a day. Chilled after drying, the fruits are stored in sealed containers or paper bags, keeping in mind the humidity level in the storage room so that the berries are not banned.